26-day road trip for AiG

by Ken Ham on August 13, 2007

AiG speaker Carl Kerby spent 26 days recently on the road speaking in Missouri and Arkansas. Even though Carl was road weary (as all speakers get at times), he praises the Lord for the tremendous responses to his messages, including the testimony below about a non-Christian who came to the sessions. Carl reports:

“In Bella Vista, Arkansas I spoke to two services in the morning and Sunday school. In between these services I was chatting to the head pastor. We talked about openings in my schedule while in Missouri and Arkansas. When he found out that I had the next Friday evening open, he asked if I’d come back. I agreed. The response for a Friday night, with no advance advertising, was amazing. We had over 200 folks there.

“A young couple from Oklahoma just happened to be there on Sunday. The husband was so intrigued by the talk that their family decided to come back on Friday. They drove over 2 hours to be there again. Afterwards Masami and I had the privilege to have dinner with them and their in-laws. Great people.

“He’s not a Christian, yet! He is a genuine nice guy and kind father. We had a great conversation and there is no doubt in my mind that the Lord will open this man’s heart to the Gospel in the near future.

“During the 26 days on the road, I had the chance to speak to over 4,000 folks. God is sure good. The excitement is contagious. Almost everyone that I could spend time with told me two things. First, AiG is impacting their lives by encouraging and equipping them to share their faith in the culture. Second, they are all going to come to the Creation Museum. They are so excited to see Christians standing strong, and they want to be a part of it. This includes three churches that are making plans to bring their entire congregation the 11-hour drive. Unbelievable! Thanks for everyone’s prayers for safe travel, obedience, and strength.”


An encouraged Christian wrote to us:

“It was while attending a secular engineering school that I ‘happened upon’ your website. While I had been a Christian for a few years, it wasn’t until then that I realized just how important it is for believers to recognize that the Bible is true from the very first verse. What an encouragement it was (and is) to my faith, knowing that I can fully believe God’s Word! I have seen the effects of belief in evolution, and how Satan uses ‘science’ to lead people away from God. It is ESSENTIAL that Christians understand the complete authority of the scripture. Thank you, men and women of AIG, for your love of Truth and your dedication to your mission.”
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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