Secular media reports on museum continue

by Ken Ham on August 10, 2007

I have enclosed a scan of part of an article in French on the Creation Museum—such articles in various languages are still appearing around the world.


Another secular report appeared in Cincinnati’s Post newspaper yesterday about the application by Answers in Genesis for more parking. Another example of the success of the Creation Museum causing problems—but good problems to have. The report began:

“Attendance at the new Answers in Genesis museum has exceeded staff projections, prompting a proposal to expand the facility’s parking lot. As of Wednesday, about 140,000 people had visited the Boone County tourist attraction, which opened on May 28, spokesman Giles Hudson said. That puts it on pace to receive more than 700,000 during its first year. Museum staff had projected 250,000 visitors in that period. The museum has had to turn away visitors some days because there was no room in the parking lot for more vehicles, Hudson said. The museum has increased staff to accommodate all the visitors and those new workers need parking, too, Hudson said. The museum also wants room for future growth.”
You can read the rest of this report at:


The latest entry from my armchair theologian friend begins:

“Yesterday was one of those days that every pastor in ministry occasionally experiences. Matters that I hadn’t planned on dashed my hopes for a really productive one. In late afternoon, the phone rang. I must confess that I was somewhat hesitant to answer it, but I did. A familiar voice was on the other end; it was a good brother in Christ who asked me if a had a ‘few minutes’ to talk. It turned out that he was just a few miles away, running an errand, and he wanted to stop by to see me before heading home. I wasn’t sure what was on his mind, but I wanted to be available to reluctantly minister to him in some way if need be. As it turned out, the purpose of his visit was to minister to me. He just wanted to tell me how much the previous Lord’s Day had blessed him and his family. Part of that blessing was the morning sermon I preached, ‘Guarding Your Heart,’ which he evidently took to heart. The message focused mainly on Proverbs 4:23: ‘Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.’”
You can read the rest of the devotional at:

Don’t forget Gull Lake Bible Conference beginning this Sunday featuring AiG for this week. I will be speaking Sunday morning—then there will be AiG sessions each day (including Buddy Davis).

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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