People are raving about ANSWERS magazine

by Ken Ham on March 31, 2007

In yesterday’s blog, I included two testimonies from people who emailed AiG about Answers magazine’s latest issue on the Ark/Noah’s Flood.

Today, I’ve included some statements from two of our customer service representatives who take orders from AiG customers of the phone:

From Tressa: “I get several calls PER WEEK that give us fantastic feedback on our magazine. One man told me earlier this week, ‘Please let your team know what a great job they are doing and that the customers are excited and very pleased.’ In the 3 years I have been here, I can’t say that I have heard such high praise about the magazine until [now].”

From Karla: “Just an FYI for you—we have gotten GREAT!! response with this issue [Ark issue]. Several customers have called and love this issue and are ordering more.”

You can subscribe to the world’s leading creation/worldview magazine on our website.


Today, I flew to Missouri for a two-day conference at Tri-City Ministries church.


Earlier this week, Cedarville University held a retirement banquet for a great friend of AiG. Paul Gathany (see photo: Paul is on the left, Dale Mason on the right) co-founded the CDR radio network and has carried our Answers with Ken Ham daily radio program practically since Mark Looy and I recorded the first set of broadcasts over 13 years ago! He was also instrumental in the production of our DVD series that’s also titled Answers with Ken Ham (not very original, I know). I could not attend the banquet because I was in Washington, D.C., for the pastors’ luncheon I told you about a couple days ago. But Dale Mason, our VP in charge of the radio outreach and various other media efforts here, was able to be there to represent AiG and to convey our appreciation for this great, tireless man of God. Dale shared with me that Paul was greatly impacted by the many kind words and fun stories of the 175 or so who were present. Enjoy the retirement years, Paul . . . even though no one really believes you’ll truly retire! God bless!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,



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