Latest Answers magazine a real hit

by Ken Ham on March 30, 2007

The latest ANSWERS magazine has received phenomenal response. People are calling and ordering more copies to give away—subscriptions are soaring. One day alone this week, 200 new subscriptions were received by customer service (this doesn't count all the subscriptions picked up at seminars etc).

Here is a sample of the feedback:

  1. AWESOME WORK: "I've been anticipating this coming issue for over a month, after having seen your promotional cover picture, and because my small group is currently addressing questions posed to us by a non-believer that often as not center around the validity of the ark and a young earth. I just received the magazine today and after reading some of the articles online and then going through the over 100 page magazine this evening, I just wanted to tell you I think this issue is phenomenal! The articles, authors, graphics, and quality are a tour de force. The combined of analysis the ark, flood, geologic forces, weather effects, and anthropology are a compelling summary of the field. I really think I might buy 10 or more copies to spread around. Awesome work! Thank you."
  2. I LOVE THIS NEW ISSUE: "I love this new issue!!!!! It is so awesome and my eight year old is wowed by the amazing illustrations. He informs anyone who has the audacity to believe in evolution that the creation and flood stories in the Bible explain it all. He goes through and teaches them about how fossils were really made and then tells them if they don't believe him, "go ask my mom!" All that to say, how about going to an every other month deal so we can have more of this stuff? I would pay more to get a couple more issues. What do you think?"

ANSWERS magazine is unique in the world for its content and format. We expect this issue of the magazine to eventually sell out—so if you don't subscribe, I urge you to do so and get the Ark issue as your first issue—it is a real collectors item: Go to the AiG website bookstore for subscription information.


CBN News reported: " -- ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -- The founder and president of Answers in Genesis says skeptics and even scoffers will be welcome at the Creation Museum that's scheduled to open two months from today." You can read the rest of the story here.

Well—it is time to give you a grandchild update—I've attached a photograph of our fourth grandchild, Kylie.


Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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