Answers in Genesis is sponsoring a special time with friends on a cruise to Alaska this coming summer.
You will be sailing on the Norwegian Pearl (see photo; it is still under construction, set to sail in 2007, when it will be the newest liner afloat!). Leaving from Seattle on July 29, 2007, you will enjoy a cruise up to Glacier Bay and Ketchikan, then to Victoria, Canada and finally back to Seattle.
Both Ken and Mally Ham and Dr. David and Diana Crandall will be leading the trip, and Ken will be speaking several times.
231 people have already signed up! This would be a great opportunity to fellowship with like-minded believers and hear some solid biblical teaching on creation. Details are available on our events page. We'd love to have you join us!
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.