Answers Magazine Has Explosive Growth

by Ken Ham on July 31, 2006

Since the new Answers magazine was introduced in the USA, the subscriptions have really “exploded.” Subscriptions have risen to over 40,000 and are growing at a rate between 1,000–2,000 per month! The feedback has been phenomenal. The next issue has 16 more pages—it will now be a 96-page magazine, so the next issue (as hard as it is to believe) is even better than the last! If you don’t get Answers magazine, make sure you don’t miss out on the next issue—go to Answers magazine.

AiG Customer Service Aims for Excellence

AiG staff and volunteers go out of their way to do the best they can to provide excellent service to those who come to AiG and the Creation Museum. At the Behind the Scenes program this past Friday, AiG heard of a group who were on their way when their bus broke down. The following was a very different kind of letter of thanks that was sent to AiG:

At Friday’s behind-the-scenes tour of the Creation Museum, Ken remarked that he wanted the AiG museum to surpass the Smithsonian in quality. We believe that has already been achieved, but of course we must measure this scientifically, because there is NO room for speculation in the museum business. We therefore propose to conduct the following controlled experiment in August, as a comparison, based on our experience last Friday:

9AM Rrring . . . rrring . . .rrring . . . Hello, Smithsonian? Listen, we know this is the busiest hour of your busiest day ever . . . that you are stretched and stressed beyond capacity . . . that your staff had to park in Maryland today to accommodate your visitors. But we have a problem. Our bus is broken down in Virginia (northern Cincinnati), and we were wondering if you could notify the others in our party waiting to register as our guests that we have been detained, and to go ahead and get their tickets before all of the special presentations are full.

Then, if you could please send three vans with your staff members (Mandy and friends) in their personal vehicles to pick up the twenty-three of us and bring us to the museum, that would be nice. When we offer them money for gas, they should almost appear offended, and assure us that they are there to give us a quality experience.

When we arrive at the museum, could you safeguard our coolers, umbrellas, valuables, and not-so-valuables, in your security office under the watchful eyes of your security staff and K-9 corps? Could you then provide other staff members (Mark Looy, Tom Miller, and others) throughout the day to check on us and offer any assistance we may need? Then it would be nice if one of your staff (Mandy again) would provide her office and phone to help us keep in contact with our bus driver, and to allow us to try to arrange rental vans for the trip home from the list of rental car companies which she would also provide.

Then, could one of your staff (Josiah McComas), just passing by to say hello, upon hearing of our situation, immediately, and without hesitation offer to drive up to five of us home (4 hours) in his own vehicle at the end of his ten-hour day? And could your president hang around after a ten-hour day to have his picture taken with our bus driver when he arrives? Finally, after we arrange for rental vans to return home, could you have your chief of security . . . provide us an air-conditioned bus with volunteer driver (Gary) to take us to the airport (to rent a vehicle) while you’re still trying to shuttle your staff back to their cars in Maryland? Hello, Smithsonian . . . are you there . . . have we been cut off?

On second thought, why should we waste our resources on such an impossible experiment? Can we imagine that any Smithsonian employees from top to bottom could possibly compare with the AiG staff? It would be like stirring up a bunch of chemicals in a jar, and expecting life to emerge! In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. A few billion years . . . no, make that a few thousand years later, God created Answers in Genesis. God bless you, and thank y’all.

Fossil Presentation

At the Tuesday staff meeting, there will be a special presentation by an AiG supporter of some very valuable and outstanding fossil exhibits. I’ll show you some photographs on tomorrow’s blog.

I’ve also enclosed some more photographs from the "Behind the Scenes" day.

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Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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