Outstanding response to "News to Note" feature

by Ken Ham on July 29, 2006

The talented AiG web team came up with a new weekly feature to be written by content developer Andrew McKenzie, called News to Note. Andrew (or Drew as we call him) released the first in this new series on Saturday. The response has been overwhelming, in fact, unprecedented for a new feature. Here is a fascinating response from ISRAEL:

Shalom! First, I think your “News to Note” feature is a great idea. It gives a quick and updated news report, and even more important - it gives answers to the news. Second, and this is the reason for my writing - I live in Israel. Away from the range of the Hezbollah missiles, but still in Israel. Your passage about the war here caught me and threw me back into proportions, into the right frame. I’m about to fly soon to Finland, to speak about Creation in several churches and schools, and I was sitting and thinking what I will answer when they will ask me about the situation here. I was thinking to say that the Hezbollah started everything and that Israel had no choise but to defend and fight back, and to show the data that the Hezbollah fired about 1500 missiles on Israeli towns etc. Now I think to give the raw data (simply because the Finnish media does not give it) but to focus on your passage about the subject - on the basis, and not on the symptom. Thank you very much and thank God for the peace I have in my heart now. LR, Israel

You will also enjoy these responses:

“Thank you so much for adding this feature. I often hear of new discoveries in science or more evidence that proves evolution, and I wonder what the AIG response is to it. This is an answer to unspoken prayer!”

“I am so glad you are doing this. I loved it! Thank you!”

“I just read your ‘News to Note’ feature. This is a fantastic idea! I definitely hope you will continue this every week.” [YES, WE INTEND TO]

“I just read your article on current news stories. Excellent, I know there are Biblical answers to all of today’s problems, but it is reassuring to see them in print. I too have speculated on the physical and mental abilities of Adam and Eve. It must have been awesome to say the least.”

“We love your new ‘News to Note’ feature. May we please suggest that you have an option to get a weekly reminder email sent out when each new ‘News to Note’ is put on the web. Thanks and keep up the great work!”

“Your new News To Note is very good. Keep up the good work & I will try to find the time to study every article.”

“News to Note is just what I am interested in—timely responses to current news items related to creation vs. evolution. I loved the first edition and look forward to future ones.”

Make sure you take a look at this great new Saturday feature.


One of the fun things that took place on Friday at our “Behind the Scenes” event for our museum charter members (about 2,700 members and their guests showed up!) was a special presentation to the Garcia family of Ohio. Long-time volunteers, the Garcias serve selflessly on behalf of AiG in so many ways: volunteering at several large conferences each year and helping here in the office (more than three hours away from their home) during special events. Their most time-consuming project has been a very special one: making quilts to benefit AiG ministries.

The Garcias have made many new quilts that we will be offering soon to benefit another special AiG outreach, so stay tuned for that. In this photo, you see (left to right): (Mom) Janis Garcia, daughter Sarah Garcia, me (presenting a copy of the leather-bound edition our new book The Genesis of a Legacy to the family), Mark Looy, Elizabeth Garcia and father “Ig” Garcia. Thank you, Garcias, for all that you do for AiG!

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I have also enclosed another two photographs taken at the Behind-the-Scenes day. One is of the section of the 7 C’s where people will walk into a section of Noah’s ark built to scale (even walk inside the ark) and view 12 animatronic figures building the ark as well as Noah and his foreman. The other photo is of the bog that is part of the outside nature trails.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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