Creation Museum planetarium and bookstore dedication

by Ken Ham on July 16, 2006

On Saturday night, sponsors and their families and friends, along with some AiG staff, dedicated the planetarium and Creation Museum bookstore. I have enclosed some photographs of this event.

The Creation Museum bookstore will actually be open during normal operating hours in about a week. (You can read an excellent overview article here on our main site.) The planetarium will not be operating daily programs yet, but we will make an announcement when this happens.

We praise the Lord for those who sponsored these two items, and we praise the Lord for all the talented people at AiG who, under the leadership of design director Patrick Marsh and Mike Zovath (VP in charge of the museum construction) put so much effort into making these two parts of the Creation Museum become a reality. Everyone I spoke to commented on the quality not only of the bookstore and planetarium, but of all the exhibits under construction.

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We give praise to the Lord—it is HIS facility. We pray that thousands of lives will be changed, people will be equipped and challenged, and, most of all, people will be saved as they receive the free gift of salvation.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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