An emotional presentation and Cedarville University visits AiG

by Ken Ham on June 22, 2006

Today was a very busy day at AiG. Here are just some of the highlights for Thursday:


At the end of the staff meeting this morning, I presented each staff member (and our volunteer crew) with a copy of the new book Genesis of a Legacy, along with the curriculum (manual and DVDs) that was produced for this book. As the book is particularly centered around my godly parents and their influence on the Ham family (which lead to where we are today with Answers in Genesis), it was fitting that the book became available this month, as it is the eleventh anniversary of my father’s promotion to glory!

One of the enclosed photographs shows me signing the book for one of the staff members.

Today was also an extra-special day. At our morning staff meeting, my brother David (in a very emotional moment for him) presented Patrick Marsh (the head of our museum exhibit design) with our father’s Bible that will be put in a special display in the Creation Museum chapel. My mother gave David my father’s Bible after his death, and it has meant a lot to David in setting him on fire for the Lord. After much prayer, David believed that by putting Dad’s Bible in such a special display for hundreds of thousands to see each year, it can be used to challenge people to stand on the authority of the Word as our father did. I also presented Patrick with the model Noah’s ark my father made for me just before he died (my mother presented it to me after my father’s death when I came back to Australia for the memorial service eleven years ago) which really speaks of our father’s stand on a literal Genesis. I also presented Patrick with a special framed 3D “picture” with a Bible opened at Genesis (see photograph) that my Mother made for me a number of years ago. All three items will be a part of this special display dedicated to our dad and mum as a reminder of the great importance of parents training their children to stand on the authority of the Word of God. I have enclosed photographs of these presentations to Patrick for the Creation Museum.

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We were privileged today to have a special guest speaker at the 8:30 a.m. staff meeting. Dr. David Ormsbee, Vice President of Advancement for Cedarville University (a creationist Christian University less than two hours’ drive from AiG), gave a devotion for the staff.

Dr. Ormsbee then showed a DVD about Cedarville University. AiG is thrilled to be able to network with a number of Christian universities across the country. I have enclosed a photograph of Dr. Ormsbee with Mark Looy (CCO at AiG).


Besides the many meetings, AiG also hosted 70 pastors for a luncheon and tour through the facility. AiG averages two pastors luncheons a month. Not only do the pastors find out more about AiG and the Creation Museum project, but a donor funds a significant collection of resources (books, DVDs, etc.) for each pastor that in turn enables them to influence their congregations.

Tonight, Mally and I and my brother David and his wife Thelly drove up to Columbus where I begin speaking early Friday morning at the Ohio home school conference.

Please pray for the conference. I give four talks each day and a charge to the 2006 graduates Saturday evening.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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