UK conference to begin Thursday

by Ken Ham on April 18, 2006

By the time you read this blog, Mally and I will be arriving in the UK to travel to the Hayes Conference center (approximately in the middle of England) for the first major Answers in Genesis–UK Creation Conference. The conference center is filled (which is a real praise point). Please pray for this time from Thursday through Sunday. Mally and I are staying on in England for a few days of R&R. I will be doing some TV interviews (well, that’s not really R&R, but I won’t tell Mally till we get there!). We are also visiting Darwin’s house (I’m sure Mally will enjoy that—I’ll tell her about that when we get there also). And Monty and Irene White (Monty is the CEO of AiG–UK) will be taking Mally and I to Bedford, the home of John Bunyan. I’ve been there before, but Mally hasn’t.

Today we had a visit from a representative of the ECFA: they conduct regular audits with their members, and it was time for us to receive a visit. We are thrilled to be a member of the ECFA, as we want to maintain the highest levels of accountability and integrity. It is comforting to know such an organization exists to not only hold organizations accountable, but also to advise on ways to ensure everything is done to conform with all regulations—particularly in the light of such things as the Enron scandal, etc. I praise the Lord for our CFO, Jim Hatton, who carries out the directives of the board and CEO to maintain the highest standards possible in every area.

Well, after writing this, I have to get home to collect Mally and drive to the airport for our night flight across to London. We may go into London on Wednesday, depending on how much jet lag we feel.

Thanks for praying,


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