Teens saved at Demolishing Strongholds

by Ken Ham on March 19, 2006

On Saturday night, two teens at the Demolishing Strongholds conference accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and committed their lives to the Lord. There was rejoicing in Heaven!

I had so many of the attendees today give me testimony as to how the conference impacted their lives. The comment I heard over and over again was that they were now able to give answers to their non-Christian friends and they now understood the right sort of questions to ask when witnessing (thanks to Bill Jack for his excellent presentations).

After the service this morning (the speaker was Dr. Charles Ware, one of the most dynamic speakers I've ever heard---see attached photograph), I received some encouraging testimonies such as:

1. A 20-year-old told me she remembers me speaking at a seminar 12 years ago. She said that even though she was eight at the time, she still remembers the effect this seminar had on her parents. She recalls her father beginning to the read the Bible more and making statements that you could really trust God's Word. She said the change in her parents had a great impact on her life.

2. Two teens (brother and sister) told me they attended the MEGA conference at Liberty nearly a year ago. They were so turned on by this conference, recognizing the phenomenal impact this ministry could have on the nation, that out of their own money they each purchased lifetime memberships to the museum.

The Demolishing Strongholds conference was the suggestion of one of our Answers Department staff and was then developed by the Outreach department under the leadership of Tom Miller. Rod Martin, who heads up the Internet division, ran the conference program (see photograph of Rod showing the set the video team designed for filming all the talks). Rod has been a pastor and really understands how to deal with teens.

Congratulations to all those who organized and ran this first of what we believe will be many similar conferences designed to reach young people.

Thanks for all your prayers, and don't forget to visit the Demolishing Strongholds blog to see more of the exciting happenings over the weekend.

Thanks for stopping by,


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