AiG and a prisoner's salvation

by Ken Ham on March 19, 2006

A pastor sent me this very encouraging email that was sent to him by a prison chaplain. AiG has a jail ministry that donates considerable creation resources to many jails across the country. Our staff also responds to the requests of many prisoners during the year. Praise the Lord for the way He used an AiG book to bring a prisoner to salvation:

Thank you for praying for our ministry here. I wanted to tell you about a person who has come to faith in Christ to encourage you that your prayers are being heard.

One man was convinced that evolution was true and as a result, he questioned the existence of God and the truthfulness of the Bible. But he also had doubts in his mind and wanted to talk about it. I initially spent only 15 minutes with him and his friends in the cell due to time constraints. I was pleased to see that this inmate was reasonable and teachable. Within a few days, I dropped by a little pamphlet that dealt with the issue - "Does God Exist" (donated to us by "Answers In Genesis"). A week later, I came by to talk to him more about his questions and concerns. He told me that he now believed and is reading the Bible. Praise the Lord for this new believer! Our conversation then was one of fellowship rather than discussion/debate. I am always blessed to see God's truth triumph in the heart of sinners. Satan's lies run rampant throughout our jails, but they cannot stand up to the Truth.


I’ve heard great feedback from today’s teaching sessions at the Demolishing Strongholds conference. Check out the latest happenings at the special blog: Demolishing Strongholds. There are pictures and videos of the event available there also.

The whole conference is being videoed to be released as a special series for young people in the near future. On Sunday morning, I will be participating in a panel as we are questioned by some of the students. This will then be a part of this DVD series that we pray will minister to thousands of young people.

Well, Monday is the first day of spring, so it’s that time of year when I start one of my hobbies—mowing the lawn! However, the weather forecasters are talking about snow this week!

Thanks for stopping by,


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