Creation Museum to help Kentucky tourism!

by Ken Ham on March 18, 2006

An interesting article concerning Kentucky tourism and the Creation Museum appeared in today’s (Friday) Cincinnati Post. The article stated (concerning the Northern Kentucky Convention and Visitors Bureau):

The bureau's efforts to court religious groups might get a boost with opening of the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum, scheduled for next year.

"The Creation Museum is starting to create a lot of interest," said Dozier, recalling comments from bureau sales representative Susan Smith, who attended the Religious Conference Managers' Association meeting in San Jose in late January.

"She said that just about everyone who stopped by our booth wanted information on Answers in Genesis."

The $25 million complex is under construction in Petersburg, Ky., in Boone County.

You can read the entire article at: The Cincinnati Post---N. Ky. tourism up in 2005



It’s not the same as being there, but it’s the next best thing: keep up with the Demolishing Strongholds conference underway this weekend via the special blog of this event. Tonight, after Rod Martin warmed up the 300 young people with some fun things, Carl Kerby and I each spoke for an hour.

Please pray for the conference.

Thanks for stopping by,


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