Bring it on--I'm Ready!

by Ken Ham on October 14, 2005

I thought you would like this email feedback we received today:

“I thank [the Lord] for AiG--it has changed my life. I can't wait to tell everyone now about God!! Before AiG, i used to be shy to tell people about God and creation, but now I know that God is in control of my life and I now tell people without fear! Thank you again AiG, and ken ham for this opportunity. Now I have answers to questions, and before I was nervous when people asked me questions, but now I'm saying "bring it on, I'm ready!!" God bless you and your families, I will keep praying.”


AiG’s board chairman, Pastor Don Landis, brought another challenging teaching session for the staff. Today he spoke on the importance of having the right hermeneutical principle. He also taught how to use different translations of the Bible together with Hebrew/Greek dictionaries to ensure one understands the text of Scripture correctly. You can hear Don’s teaching sessions given this week by going to this link: Blog Video Archive

After Don told the staff on Thursday morning he would teach another session Friday morning before he left to go back to Wyoming, the staff broke into spontaneous applause! The staff have so appreciated Don’s dynamic and phenomenally informative teaching sessions.


A recent news article stated that Comedy Central (highly watchedTV program), is going to do a spoof on the Creation Museum. The article stated:

Spurlock's "Public Nuisance" has the formerly super-sized social critic traveling the country to explore and confront hot-button issues. In the pilot, he goes to the heartland - in this case the Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky - to discover what the country would be like had the founding fathers not separated church and state.

We don’t know if they somehow obtained video of the Creation Museum, but this program would be one of the rare times we would not give permission for them to shoot video at AiG. You can read the entire article at this link:

Well, the board meeting is over and I need to get ready for the speaking engagements in Tennessee, this Sunday through Wednesday. On Friday afternoon I have one radio interview and also an interview with a secular TV documentary team.

PHOTGRAPHS: I have enclosed a photograph of Don Landis addressing our staff and a photograph of the Tuesday sponsored staff breakfast at the office this past week.

Thanks for your prayers. The board were so encouraged with the direction AiG is heading. One person described AiG’s staff as ‘stunning.’ And they are stunning! How I praise the Lord for the professional and dedicated staff He has brought to this ministry.

Thanks for stopping by


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