Board meetings and broken pipes...

by Ken Ham


Today was the first day of AiG’s three day board meeting. The day began with breakfast at the office for the staff and then a 30 minute devotional by AiG’s board chairman Don Landis. Don will also be speaking Wednesday and Thursday mornings. You can watch his powerful devotion by going to the video page and clicking on yesterday's devotions link.

The leadership of AiG made presentations to the board today—what a thrilling time that was. The board were overwhelmed to see such a young, dynamic and visionary staff make such professional presentations. It was mind boggling to see all that is going on at AiG!

Darrow Miller, the VP of Food for the Hungry International, spoke to our staff on Monday. We are working on the possibility of a video series with Darrow re: creation and missions. His devotions were challenging!

Our new anniversary edition of Pilgrim’s Progress arrived at the office today. To find out more about this unique publication of this old edition that includes seven other books by John Bunyan and some of his writings, go to this link:


We had a major problem at the office today. The six inch water main that brings the water in the AiG facility had a catastrophic failure today. We had to send many of the staff home because we had no water for a number of hours. A six foot section had cracked and had to be excavated and cut out! That was our little drama for the day.

Tonight the board met at our house for a special dinner prepared by my wife and daughters: Roast lamb, Honey baked ham, grilled chicken and lots of hot dishes—followed by dessert: Pavlova, Trifle, Caramel Pie and ice cream! Good aussie tucker, as we Australians would say!

Please keep praying for the board meeting this week.


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