1. Woke up early - had prayer/devotion time (that was the good part)--answered emails. 2. Found out the Cincinnati Enquirer reporter wanted to ask me more questions so I telephoned him. 3. Raced down to the office to do a short video shoot for an introduction to the Web site. 4. Raced back home to grab my computer, my suitcase, my wife (yes she's coming on this trip), my camera etc. 5. Arrived at the airport--the skycap guys recognize me--someone usually asks about the Museum.
The Rest of the Day:
6. As I was walking through security, a TSA person recognized the 'Creation Museum' logo on my shirt. 'Have you been to the Creation Museum' she asked? I told her I was the President--she told me her whole family wanted to come! She came and asked me more questions about the Museum--when it will be open -- how much it will cost etc. 7. Arrived at 'C' concourse--we bought our Starbucks coffee! I decided to use my 'super duper' latest technological advance for my computer--my Verizon wireless card for getting email but it kept disconnecting because the signal wasn't good enough. So much for 'super duper' technology! 8. We boarded the plane but we sat for 45 minutes because of an air traffic control hold. 9. Finally arrived in Chicago. 10. An AiG board member (Dan Chin) and his wife Mary picked us up and took us to lunch. We then visited the Billy Graham Museum at Wheaton College (being a literal six day young earth creationists, I wasn't sure if I should disguise myself when walking on the grounds of Wheaton College!!--knowing what many of the Profs here believe (or don't believe!!!) about Genesis). The small museum presented an interesting history of evangelism in America. I was also looking for ideas that may be suitable for our own Museum (we try to visit every Museum we can to get ideas etc). I've enclosed a couple of photographs just to prove we were there!--and we escaped without anyone recognizing me (but I did sign the visitors book). 11. We drove to the University where the Home School conference is being held--checked in and then went to dinner with the other speakers and organizing committee. 12. Then back to the room to revise my talks (I am speaking 10 times at this conference) and get ready for tomorrow--check more emails--return phone calls.
It is an amazing thing God has called us to--busy...frantic at times...but an amazing privilege!
Just FYI: The Cincinnati Enquirer will be publishing the profile article on me in this coming Sunday's newspaper. Thanks for dropping by and please pray for this weekend!
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.