Filming in Denver and the "Pun-tastic" Mark Looy

by Ken Ham on May 11, 2005

At the time of writing this, I am in the Denver area of Colorado. We did some filming today for a DVD we are producing for our planned giving department. We have more taping to do today (I will be interviewing a family who has been involved with Jay Links Family Wealth Counseling of America--Jay is a consultant to AiG). The families I interviewed today couldn't say enough good things about Jay and his program. They said it blew them away! As one of the men said, "I was looking at leaving a certain amount of money in my will for Christian ministry. I found through Jay's unique and powerful planning process that I can give the SAME amount to Christian organizations EVERY YEAR till the Lord takes me home, and it doesn't it anyway take away from what I will be leaving my heirs."

Exciting stuff!

Well, sometimes we like to "let our hair down" at AiG. There is great camaraderie and it's important to have a good laugh from time to time.

Recently you may recall that I spoke at a homeschool conference in Harrisburg, PA. The main "auditorium" was an "equine arena." There were a number of inches of dirt on the floor, ready for horse shows---carpet was placed on the dirt and turned into an auditorium.

Mark Looy, our VP of Outreach is known at AiG for his puns (though we usually groan a lot when we hear them!). On the same day the Kentucky Derby was run, Mark had some fun and sent me an email knowing I spoke in what is normally a horse arena. I thought you might enjoy his humor, or at least commiserate with me and the rest of the staff for having to put up with this day after day!!

Well---here is what Mark sent me:

Ham gets Horse in Harrisburg

A barely audible, exhausted Ken Ham hastily left an equine arena today after he stirrupped some trouble at a homeschool convention held at a horse arena on a Harrisburg, Pen-sylvania fair-ground. Receiving so much negative feedbag, he was corralled by an unruly crowd, but Ken quickly bolted ... with the un-stable crowd in hot pursuit (pulling up the rear).

"I 'bit' off more than I could chew," Ken, a very hoarse whisperer, remarked. He wagered that he could not go fur-long at his current pace, gallopping around the country speaking on creation to naaay-sayers.

"Hay, I really stuck my neck out this time," he added. "I'll have to call my Secretari-at the office, Re-naaay, about this kind of tough schedule. It's handicapping my ability to get other projects done. They're stalled while I'm away from my home turf."

If he stays on track, the next stop in his race across the state (in his rented, yes, Mustang) will be Fillydelphia. Re-naaay reported that Ken is into the final stretch of his circuit tour, but with his fatigue, he needs some spur-ring on. It was close to the last straw.

Not displaying his typical unbridled passion, Ham, with a long face [you knew that was coming at some point, right?], sighed: "I'm saddled with an additional burden." You see, after ponying up the registration money, he unsuccessfully entered a cooking contest at the fair-grounds. Because he had been horsin' around too much, judge Juan Baya Edd reported that Ken had nothing to present to the judges ... and even failed to appear before them. As Mr. Edd reported, when he called AiG and spoke to Pastor Ellis: "Hello, Wilbur. Tell Ken that he lost. In fact, he didn't even 'win, baste, or show.'" [triple ouch].

And therein ends my tail. Nothing more to trot out .....

Well, wanna bet?


I hope you groaned as much as I did!

Thanks for stopping by (and I won't do that again to you too soon). Keep Praying!


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