Creation Ministry Bearing Fruit in Asia

on February 5, 2015

It has been over three years since Answers in Genesis’ All-Asian Creation Conference held in in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in November 2011. However, since that time, creation-centered and gospel-focused ministry has continued to flourish in Asia. The Malaysian Answers Team led by Joseph Tan has continued to conduct regular seminars and talks in local churches.

One of the team members, Dicky Sudrajad, started a Demolishing Strongholds session for a group of youth (mainly from Indonesia). Through interaction with the mother of one of the young men who participated, the team received an invitation to fly to Bandung, Indonesia, for a special leaders meeting to introduce the ministry of Answers in Genesis.

Asia Leaders Meeting

Although the turnout at the leaders meeting was small; those who were able to attend represented a number of the churches in Bandung and were involved in youth ministry and Christian education. Also in attendance were teachers from Christian schools. The feedback was exceptionally positive: A youth pastor in attendance said that this material is the “missing link” to his church’s youth outreach ministry. Likewise, the curriculum head of one of the Christian schools expressed his intent to redesign the school’s science curriculum to be creation-centric. In general, there was an overwhelming desire among attendees for more creationist resources.

The Malaysian Answers Team has adopted for this year a ministry strategy focusing on “training leaders who can train others.” As such, they have decided that for their next trip to Bandung (in April this year) they will conduct a leadership certification program for Christian leaders in attendance who have the ability to train others and multiply the work of the ministry. With strong support from the international outreach wing of AiG, the Malaysian Answers Team looks forward to planting seeds in hopes of much greater things to come in Bandung. Also in line with its strategy this year, the team is currently putting together a leadership-focused program based on the Answers Academy video curriculum, which will include about 20 hours of interaction time. The ministry’s goal behind this program is to go beyond just organizing seminars and to be intentional in developing leaders grounded in a biblical worldview and committed to the truth of Genesis.

Asia Leaders Meeting

Please remember to pray for the Malaysian Answers Team in their continuing ministry. Also, please remember to pray for AiG’s international outreach as we endeavor to boldly proclaim the absolute truth and authority of God’s Word from the very first verse, and as we deliver the message of the gospel to people around the world.

In Christ,



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