AiG Partnership Helps Ebola Victims

As the death toll in West Africa increases every day due to the spreading Ebola outbreak, Answers in Genesis has partnered with other ministries to send food, medicine, and—most importantly—the gospel to some of the world’s poorest and most desperate people.

Over the past two years, Answers in Genesis has established close ministry relationships with our friends at Children’s Hunger Fund (CHF) and the Slavic Gospel Association (SGA). The partnership of these three ministries has engaged in translating evangelistic gospel tracts that answer some of the world’s big questions in five different languages and provided and distributed meals and other help to people in need. With the support of local churches, the meals are provided while hope in the gospel is proclaimed. We have a great concern to show that the biblical message of our one-race humanity means that we are to care for the value of every human life in the world. AiG was pleased to reach out to our ministry partners, trusting the Lord for His provision in this important venture.

This partnership has recently included the country of Sierra Leone, which is one of the West African countries in a declared state of emergency due to the Ebola outbreak. The CDC reports that the disease has not only killed more than 1,000 people in Sierra Leone, but the outbreak has damaged the country’s economy, causing a scarcity of goods and inflation. Many cannot afford food or medicine and people are dying of starvation. In response, AIG tracts have been shipped to Sierra Leone along with 1,000 Food Paks to serve families suffering under the threat of Ebola. Our hope is that the church-based ministries we are supplying will find open doors to the gospel for these desperate people. Please pray for the efforts of CHF and other Christian ministries and churches in Sierra Leone as they help hurting people in this country.

How did this partnership begin? A few years ago, we completed our first translation with the Slavic Gospel Association. This was the Russian version of Ken Ham’s Foundations series. As this relationship matured, we have seen the series used very effectively in Russian-speaking countries. Before long, the good people at SGA introduced us to the Children’s Hunger Fund. We found that all three ministries were committed to standing on the authority of the Word of God and were passionate about the gospel mission. Since then, we have worked to translate AiG tracts into five different languages—Russian, English, French, Spanish, and Thai, and thousands of these tracts have been distributed, along with Food Paks, around the world.

We pray that as the years pass, we will see a lot more of this mission project support and an increase in the effectiveness in what the Lord is doing through the AiG, CHF, and SGA partnership. We are also hoping to increase our Russian translations to go alongside the tangible help headed to the many Russian-speaking nations. Please join us in prayer as we seek to expand this important ministry.




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