The Year in Review

on December 15, 2010

The year of 2010 has seen a flurry of activity for Answers Worldwide. We trust that God will use the ministry to continue to impact millions for His glory.

January: This month was used as a time for finalizing all the details for our February Vancouver Olympics. Development plans were finalized for the October Holy Land Tour and the All Asian Creation Conference.

February: 110 volunteers joined me (Dr. David Crandall) and the AiG team for thrilling evangelistic opportunities on the streets of Vancouver, Canada, during the Olympic games. We witnessed to people from 70 countries, passed out 95,000 AiG evangelistic booklets, and engaged thousands in evangelistic conversations.

March: For 18 days in March, I ministered in four countries including Communist China. While in China, I spoke in secret meeting places of the so-called underground church. I was able to distribute DVDs of Ken Ham’s special talks on Genesis that have been translated into Chinese (given out at no charge, of course), and I also preached secretly—speaking and singing for hours in hushed whispers—in Beijing and Shanghai.

April: 12 representatives from seven nations attended our annual International Training Seminar here at AiG and the Creation Museum. For five days these passionate servants were trained by Ken and other AiG staff, and then they returned to their homelands, equipped to share the vital creation/gospel message. So in about 80 days, AiG Worldwide ministered directly to people from over 70 countries. Indeed, Answers in Genesis remains committed to the Creator’s command to go into all the world with the gospel.

May: An amazing trip to Bermuda and planning for a missionary conference next year in this Island Country.

July: We traveled to the Asian Countries of Singapore and Malaysia to plan and prepare for the All Asian Creation Conference. I toured hotels and conference centers in Singapore, attempting to find one that was reasonable in price and adequate for our conference. I then flew to Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia, and was met by members of our local committee to help organize and plan the conference. Once again, I visited hotel and conference centers. The Summit Hotel was our choice, and I think that all our delegates will enjoy this lovely hotel with its conference center and nearby shopping area. The AACC will be held on November 15–17, 2011.

August: The month of August brought a real “mountain-top experience” as I went with a Montana church on horseback to the top of one of the great mountains ranges in the state. The trip up the mountain was 10 miles and took a complete afternoon to arrive at the mountain lake. The four messages were well received on the mountain and the messages at the church over the week end were used by God to bless many people.

September: This month brought another mountain-top experience as I traveled into the Sierra Madre for a pastors’ conference. The fellowship with so many pastors was a delight for this former pastor who loves the ministry. I then joined a church in the lower lands for their annual missionary conference.

October: We had the opportunity during this month to visit the countries of Panama, Costa Rica, Columbia, and Mexico. Later in the month, I led the “Rocks of the Ages” Answers in Genesis Holy Land Tour with 90 passengers. Our two buses of people became a wonderful family as we experienced this trip of a lifetime. Dr. Andrew Snelling, an AiG geologist, lectured during the tour and gave wonderful insights into the geology of this wonderful land called Israel. Andrew took us deep into the southern deserts of Israel, where we found unbelievable fossils.

November: After a busy October, we then left for Florida, where I preached in three different churches. Then we had the opportunity of spending Thanksgiving together with some of our family that lives in the warm state.

December: This month finds us spending several days back at my office at Answers in Genesis in Kentucky. We will join the excitement concerning the Noah’s Ark announcement and then join hundreds at the Creation Museum’s Christmas Town program.

This year has found us in 14 different countries and has seen the AiG Worldwide ministry expand into several more languages. In fact, all the documents and contracts have been finalized with our Russian translators for the six videos of Ken Ham’s series on creation.

Much work has already been accomplished for the All Asian Creation Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (November, 2011). The local committee of 14 Malaysians are extremely well organized and are putting together the first-ever creation conference in the 10/40 window.


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