Discern: Answers for Women 2016

by Dr. Georgia Purdom on January 11, 2016

It’s hard to believe that we are gearing up for our 5th annual Answers for Women conference. In 2011 we started with a modest crowd of 100 women and last year we welcomed over 500 women! Women are hungry for solid teaching from God’s Word on topics that impact our lives and the world we live in. We want to equip women to give biblical answers to the questions of our day and share true hope found only in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

This year’s theme is Discern: Engaging the Culture with Wisdom and Grace. Working for Answers in Genesis over the last 10 years has really opened my eyes to one of the biggest things lacking among Christians today, discernment. At AiG we fight against the compromise that is occurring in many churches on the issue of origins. We find that our biggest opponents are not those outside the church, like the atheists, but rather those inside the church that have decided God’s Word cannot be trusted in Genesis. As we have pointed out over and over again, if part of God’s Word is fallible or errant, then why trust any of the rest of it? If the history in Genesis isn’t true, then why trust that the gospel based in that history is true?

Lack of discernment probably shouldn’t come as any surprise. As we read Paul’s epistles, we see that a lot of his time was spent countering and warning against false ideas and beliefs that had infiltrated the early church. As Solomon states, there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

When you pick up a new Bible study, do you know what to look for to see if it's truly biblical? When you walk through a Christian bookstore, can you spot the false teachings that subtly infiltrate our minds and hearts? When your neighbor becomes involved in a new religion, can you show her where it differs from true Christianity? We are bombarded with false ideas from both inside and outside the church, and we need to respond with answers rooted in God’s Word.

At the 2016 Answers for Women conference, we'll hear from women and men (yes, we have some male speakers this year!) who will teach us to be discerning in many different areas of our lives. (I’ll be detailing more about our speakers and their topics in future blog posts.) You will learn how to avoid being "tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine" and will be equipped to "speak the truth in love" (Ephesians 4:14–15).

Join us for solid teaching from God's Word that will encourage us to engage our culture with wisdom and grace. We are called to discern truth from error, to shine light into the darkness. Are you ready?

Don’t delay and register today! Early bird pricing ends February 1st. In addition to all the great teaching, times of worship, and a new drama centered on the life of Eve, the price includes lunch on Saturday and a two-day Creation Museum admission for attendees, their spouse, and children who accompany them for the conference. Husbands, this would make a great early Mother’s Day gift!

Keep fighting the good fight of the faith!


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