Glory, Glory, Glory

by Dr. Georgia Purdom on July 12, 2011

This morning, on my way to work a familiar song came on the radio that I haven’t heard in a long time entitled, “I Bowed On My Knees and Cried Holy.” I don’t know how your summer has been but mine as usual has been crazy. Between adventuring to the Galapagos, preparing for conferences, directing and teaching VBS at my church, and a million other things, I’m feeling overwhelmed—especially this week.

This song was a real comfort to me for two reasons. First, it was a vivid reminder of why I am doing all these things: to bring glory to God. I want to glorify God through my conference presentations, teaching children, and in everything else (even doing the dishes and laundry!) It may be difficult at times, but it is worth it for the One who gave His life for me! And also, it was a reminder that this world is only temporary, and someday I will spend all my time praising God. I won’t have to “wrestle” with a seemingly never-ending list of things to do and I can relax and abide in the glory of God.

I Bowed On My Knees and Cried Holy By Jimmie Davis

I dreamed of a city called Glory It was so bright and so fair As I entered that gate, I cried holy All the angels met me there And They carried me from mansion to mansion And all The sights I saw
I said I want to see Jesus He's the One who died for all

I bowed on my knees and cried Holy, holy, holy I clapped my hands and sang Glory, Glory to the Son of God Glory to the Son of God

When I entered the gates of the city My Loved ones all knew me well They took me down the streets of heaven All the saints were too many to tell I saw Abraham, Jacob and Isaac Talked with Mark, sat down with Timothy But then I said, I want to see Jesus He's the One who died for me

I bowed on my knees and cried Holy, holy, holy I clapped my hands and sang Glory, glory, glory I clapped my hands and sang Glory I clapped my hands and sang Glory I clapped my hands and sang Glory Glory to the Son of God Glory to the Son of God


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