It’s Official—I’ve Blogged 100 Times!

by Dr. Georgia Purdom on November 30, 2010

Well, it’s official. This post marks the 100th post to my blog! It’s hard to believe I’ve been “blogging” for almost a year. Initially I thought it would be really easy (since I like to talk!), so I set a goal to blog at least twice a week. Well, I have managed to blog twice a week (with very few exceptions) but it hasn’t always been easy. Sometimes I have a list of several items that I could blog about and other times I’m sitting at the computer feverishly racking my brain for something to blog about.

Since I’ve started blogging, I’ve kept up with the news a lot more, read the newspaper comics, and payed close attention to emails I receive and conversations I have—thinking about what would make a good blog post. I even think about it in the shower in the morning! I have begrudged writing blogs a few times, but my feelings have mostly been that this is a worthwhile commitment for myself, and more importantly, for the benefit of my readers. It always makes me smile when someone comments on my blog and says how it encouraged them or taught them something.

My daughter Elizabeth is a constant inspiration for my blogs by providing many interesting comments that could only come from a child! My roles as wife and mother also provide opportunities to teach others through my experiences. I’m always excited to share about the many blessings I receive from ministry opportunities like speaking at the Creation Museum and other venues, and about our newest ministry, Answers for Women. I also enjoy responding to critics and venting about the compromise of biblical authority in Christianity today. Sometimes I share things on my heart that I’m dealing with personally, and if all else fails, there is always a hymn that bears repeating and commenting on.

I can honestly say that this blog has been an unexpected blessing to me. I’m looking forward to another year of blogging and sharing another recap with my 200th post! By the way, if you have ideas for my blog, please share them with me on my Facebook page. I would enjoy hearing from my readers.


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