The School Year in Review

My daughter Elizabeth will finish Kindergarten later this week, so I thought this would be an opportune time to contemplate not only how she has grown academically, but also spiritually over the last nine months.

The school year started with a bang when, on the night before the first day of school, Elizabeth received Christ as her Savior. She had been asking questions for some time about salvation, and it was on that night in her bedroom with her Dad and I that she decided to follow Christ. I can’t think of a better way to begin the school year (especially considering she was attending public school)!

Not only would Elizabeth be busy during her first year learning reading, writing, and arithmetic, but so would I. I was a room mom, attended the PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) meetings, and went on class field trips. I take very seriously that Elizabeth’s education is a collaboration between myself and the school, so this is a way for me to be informed about the school’s part. The hardest thing was trying to help Elizabeth with reading and writing. She’s very smart and picked it up quickly, but I never realized just how complicated and confusing the English language can be until I had to teach it!

Her learning, however, didn’t end with the school day. Every night we sit down for what we call “Bible instruction time.” My husband and I take very seriously the Bible’s admonition to parents to train their children the truth of God’s Word (Deuteronomy 6:6–9). We’ve used several resources including the Answers Books for Kids. We’ve been through the whole Bible, and now are working through some fundamentals of Christian living such as worship and prayer. I ask lots of questions so I can probe where she is in her understanding, and allow her time to ask questions as well. We always look forward to these times.

I was concerned about Elizabeth coming to know Christ at such a young age because I was fearful that she didn’t really understand the decision she made. However, God has laid those fears to rest as I have watched her relationship with Him grow. She applies her faith in everyday situations and is bold in her witness to school friends. We can’t even have an imaginary, playtime meal without praying first!

I’m looking forward to the next school year. I know there will be challenges, especially as more science and history are presented in the classroom. I know I will need to work even harder to make sure she knows the truth from God’s Word. But I am encouraged (and I hope other parents will be too) knowing that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)

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