Help AiG–Canada Reach the Next Level!

Why supporting AiG enables tactical, strategic, and visionary Outreach

by Calvin Smith on July 15, 2024
Featured in Calvin Smith Blog

Dear friends of Answers in Genesis–Canada: As a Christian seeking to see the gospel seed planted as the parable of the sower describes—if you are like me—I’d guess you want to support Christian groups that are worthy of, prepared for, and effective at what they do.

So please allow me to tell you a brief story about a ministry event for Christian leaders I was invited to in Hamilton, ON, a while ago, and how it relates to the AiG–CA ministry.

At this event, there were several different pastors and ministry leaders present, some Canadian and others from various other countries, and most were unfamiliar with one another’s particular ministry focus or specialty, etc.

So, when the organizer spontaneously asked us to introduce ourselves around the large table, it was interesting to listen to the various leaders describe how their organizations went about advancing the cause of Christ.

One had a school and did outreach to the students they served. Some focused on practical help for people and shared Christ in that manner. Some were authors and/or had speaking ministries while others operated primarily in media.

Now, of course, tactical, strategic, and visionary leadership are each powerful and needed approaches to operating successful ministries, businesses, families, or any other area where leadership, teaching, and guidance are required. And typically, the most effective, long-term, and wide-reaching approach comes from organizations or groups that implement two or three of these simultaneously.

As I sat there at the table wondering what I would say when it came to my turn, I realized that almost all of the ministries represented operated from a singularly tactical standpoint, while a few others were somewhat more strategic. What do I mean?

Well, take the school I mentioned. Its method of reaching people was a single institution operating in one unique location that reached a limited number of people within that community.

Those people who attended were there to learn English, however, because the teachers were Christians and ministry-minded, they sought out opportunities to share the gospel whenever they could. Their tactic was to use people’s desire to learn English as an opportunity to share the gospel.

Similarly, take the approach of some of the authors and speakers. In this case, the individual had a specific message or teaching (contained within books or presentations) that reached individuals exposed to them (perhaps via online purchases or by the speaker traveling and speaking at conferences or at their church on a Sunday morning). Their tactic was to use well-prepared, packaged content to deliver an uplifting and/or equipping or motivational message or teaching.

A few of the ministries were more strategically minded and focused on discipleship, concentrating on approaches that allowed them to duplicate themselves through others. By equipping others to be able to equip even more, their strategy was to multiply their efforts and create a growing number of people that could potentially take their message beyond their immediate location, perhaps even to other countries.

What Exactly Does AiG Do?

So, as my turn came, I explained that just like the parable of the blind men and the elephant—depending on what an individual’s experience with AiG has been—the ministry might mean several different things to different people.

To some, mentioning AiG might stir memories from one of our conference events they’ve attended. To another, it might prompt mention of a VBS program they participated in.

Others might be enrolled in our Answers to Go! Online Academy or perhaps use our video-based Answers Bible Studies small group curriculum. While some may know us by being connected through our vibrant AiG–CA Facebook group, many would simply see us as the ministry that produces the four-year Bible study curriculum they use in their home church—Answers Bible Curriculum.

Some may have heard our radio outreach, while others may have gone to the Creation Museum or the amazing Ark Encounter. Some may be Answers TV subscribers, while others know us from using one of our many homeschooling curricula.

A Vision to See God’s Word Trusted from the Very First Verse

Although we do operate through many tactical and strategic means, all of what we do is driven by an overarching vision: to uphold and establish the authority of God’s Word from the very first verse.

In essence, depending on their experience, some people would consider us a tactical ministry, while others may have seen us as more strategic and discipleship-based. However, the truth is, we are all of that and much more. Although we do operate through many tactical and strategic means, all of what we do is driven by an overarching vision: to uphold and establish the authority of God’s Word from the very first verse.

You see, all the tactical outreach initiatives we provide to the Christian community are part of a much larger strategy that encapsulates our core vision simultaneously. By giving Christians solid answers to the questions nonbelievers have, we help fortify the faith and enable believers to confidently do gospel outreach more frequently and effectively inside their homes and in their communities. And we receive many positive testimonies to that effect.

Two Different Visions in Culture

So why am I telling you this story? Well, because it’s not just Christian ministries that recognize the concepts I’m talking about here. The world has been operating at a “visionary level” for quite some time. They implement a strategy to impose a completely different, humanistic worldview in culture, using tactics that undermine the historicity of God’s Word by replacing the Genesis account with the story of long ages and/or evolution, even in the Christian church.

They are publicly funded, use the media and state-run education systems to strategically indoctrinate children at young ages against the truth of God’s Word, and can implement new tactics to undermine the authority of the Bible on a daily basis. And that’s why they’ve been so effective. The world has been using effective tactics, strategies, and visionary leadership to make long-term (unfortunately, very negative) changes in society.

And this is why we are experiencing the level of sheer nonsense that we see today in society, where any semblance of God’s moral law, institutions, and created norms (including gender, marriage, sanctity of life, and ethics) seem to be turned upside down by a culture that seems bent on rejecting God’s Word and his ways.

This is also why Christians must continue to do what they can to equip their children, families, and friends in resisting this progressive tyranny that is attacking the very fabric of reality in our country today and to implement tactics and strategies to combat these societal ills, all with a vision of seeing God’s Word held in high authority once again.

Help Us Double Our Outreach in the Next 12 Months!

And I would like you to take a look at the AiG ministry as a whole and ask you to prayerfully consider helping us reach the next level of outreach here in Canada! How?

Well, aside from the many conferences and other speaking engagements we hold here in Canada (along with providing all of the resources previously mentioned from our warehouse in Paris, Ontario), AiG–CA has been focusing much of our efforts on high-quality video production, which has been tremendously successful as well!

For example, we were so happy to announce that our AiG–CA YouTube channel reached 100K subscribers, an incredible video outreach milestone! The fact that we were able to attain this in just five years (our channel only began in February of 2019) is an encouraging sign that the faith-building content we have been producing is needed and appreciated in the Christian community at large!

(By the way, if you haven’t been there yet, be sure to check out our channel, subscribe, and “like” what you see there as everyone’s support helps us reach even more people around the world.)

In addition to the many feature videos we’ve been producing, this fall will see the release of season two of The Genesis Account of Noah’s Ark, our brand-new seven-part series titled Dealing with Dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark! This series is definitely one of our most ambitious projects to date, so stay tuned!

All in all, individuals’ support of AiG–CA has resulted in the Answers TV Canada studio producing a catalog of video content that has been viewed over 21 million times and, by God’s grace, will continue to equip for years to come!

Help Us Reach the Next Level!

However, there are a whole bunch of video projects we have in mind that have been sitting on the back burner for a while now that we’ve simply not been able to get to because of limitations in time, staff, and resources.

Our biggest bottleneck we have in reaching that next level of outreach here in Canada and around the world is our need for two more talented, Christian video editors on our team!

Most people don’t realize that, on average, each minute of a typical AiG–CA video takes around six hours of editing to produce, and that does not include writing, recording, set design, etc.

And we would also love to incorporate some of the newer technology and equipment that is now available and to travel to specific locations to capture relevant video that relates to the content we’re producing as well.

But to do so will require us to reach the next level in production and planning, which we feel our team is ready to do!

Your Support Is Effective!

So again, I would like to encourage you that any support is immensely appreciated, and I believe you can feel confident that it will be blessed by the Lord and produce good fruit in a culture that desperately needs it.

In 1 Corinthians 4:1–2, the Apostle Paul (speaking about the ministry of the apostles) says,

This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful.

Now, I am certainly not an apostle, nor am I writing to you under the inspiration of Scripture; however, I am letting you know that despite our many human flaws, we strive to be faithful stewards of what our supporters give.

I am so proud of our hardworking and talented AiG–CA team, and I hope you are as well. They are constantly striving to be as creative and effective as possible in providing Canadian believers with practical tools they can utilize with their family, friends, and churches. And with the Lord’s help, we continue to strive to be worthy of your support.

In light of the effectiveness of the ongoing outreach of AiG–CA, both here and around the world, we would ask our supporters to continue to help us move forward.

So, in light of the effectiveness of the ongoing outreach of AiG–CA, both here and around the world, we would ask our supporters to continue to help us move forward. And for those who have not yet done so, prayerfully consider donating to the AiG–CA ministry and/or becoming an AiG–CA YouTube channel member.

And please pray and ask the Lord to continue to bless our efforts mightily to equip his people, as well as open the eyes of unbelievers to the truth of his Word.

Next Level Campaign

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