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Everyone knows that there are biological changes that can be observed in creatures over time, but that doesn’t equate to evolution in action.
The “10,000-year rule” reveals evolutionary bias in so-called science
The fossil record is evidence for the global flood.
Fossils require rapid burial—which is a problem for deep time.
Understanding why biblical creationists and Christian flat-earthers disagree.
A day by any other name would be . . . millions of years?
The Illogical, Unscientific, and Unbiblical Concept of Race
What cannot be ignored regarding history, science, and biblical accuracy.
A real-life lightning strike against the fortress of long ages.
Geological events can happen much faster than previously thought.
Uncovering those that forged the future by reshaping the past.
Uncovering those that forged the future by re-shaping the past.
Uncovering those that forged the future by reshaping the past
Uncovering Those That Forged the Future by Reshaping the Past
Uncovering those who forged the future by reshaping the past.
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