Okefenokee Swamp

by Buddy Davis on May 11, 2011
Featured in Buddy Davis Blog

We recently finished our annual canoe adventure through the Okefenokee Swamp. We saw lots of cool plants, a variety of birds, and over 150 alligators and other reptiles. We canoed 45 miles total with two groups of guests. It was a lot of fun.

Okefenokee Swamp

Okefenokee Swamp

Here at the Creation Museum, I have started my new African Animal Adventure workshop. It includes teaching about God’s design of African animals, drawing a cartoon lion, and sculpting a realistic African elephant head. At 3:00, I do a music concert for the museum guests.


I am gone on the weekends, but you can check my schedule when I am at the events page of the Creation Museum website.

I have also started a Face book page. Every day, I include a scripture verse and feature an animal as well as updates on what I am doing. Check it out at www.facebook.com/ aigbuddydavis.


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