Introducing Wonder Junction—the 2025 Answers VBS

June 5, 2024

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Howdy there, partner! You ready for a grand ol’ time next summer, discovering the wonder of Jesus? If so, grab yer stirrups and lasso and hightail it out west to Wonder Junction where kids will marvel at Jesus and learn that we live for his glory.

It’s all about Jesus and the call for kids to live for his glory.

As you may’ve guessed, Wonder Junction is an Old West themed VBS adventure that will teach kids about who Jesus is as they marvel at his birth, his childhood, his ministry, his death and resurrection, and his coming return. It’s all about Jesus and the call for kids to live for his glory.

Kids will find answers to the questions:

  • What amazing events surrounded the King’s birth?
  • Was there ever a person born who was more important than Jesus?
  • What was Jesus like as a child?
  • Is Jesus God or man—or both?
  • What astonishing things occurred during Jesus’ ministry and how much power does he have?
  • How was Jesus’ death and resurrection like no other?
  • Could Jesus experience pain and sadness?
  • What should we be doing while we wait for the King to return?
  • Is Jesus going to be a man forever?

It’s a wild ride designed to help kids better know Jesus, what he did for them, and how we should respond.

2025 Answers VBS Clues Explained

In case you’re still wondering how our five clues pointed to this exciting new theme, here is a breakdown.

Clue 1: The first day of VBS will focus on the wonder of Christ’s birth. Gold was one of the gifts wise men brought to Jesus, and the Cool Contest for that day will be Guess the Gold Coins.

Wonder Juntion Clue #1: Gold

Clue 2: Jesus was a carpenter, and kids will learn more about his early years during Day 2 of VBS.

Wonder Juntion Clue #2: Wood

Clue 3: Steam points to locomotives in Wonder Junction and ties into one of Carpenter Joe’s Science rotations.

Wonder Juntion Clue #3: Steam

Clue 4: Champ the grizzly bear is the animal pal for Day 4 of Wonder Junction VBS.

Wonder Juntion Clue #4: Bear

Clue 5: Jesus is the King of kings. During Day 5, kids will learn about his triumphant return and how to live in the meantime.

Wonder Juntion Clue #5: Crown

We hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about next year’s VBS. To help you get a head start in planning, you can save 25% on your Wonder Junction Starter or Super Starter kit when you use code VBS25B at checkout.

For a limited time, your order includes a FREE VBS tumbler, 10 free Digital Leader Guides (available fall 2024), artwork, and more resources. That’s over a $130 value, free!

Order today and save! VBS begins shipping January 2025.

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