Creating Excitement for VBS with Promo Skits

by Amber Pike May 22, 2024

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As Sunday arrives, your congregation opens their bulletins (or looks up at the screens) to find another VBS announcement. It’s happening at this date and time, with these things (or people) still needed. Rallied by this written call, a stampede of excited volunteers rushes to find you after service . . . right?

While bulletin or screen announcements can serve their purpose, I think we can all agree that repeated written announcements don’t garner a lot of interest and definitely don’t create excitement. Why not switch things up this year and create a buzz for VBS by using the promo skits?

What Are Promo Skits?

Promo skits are short dramas that can help you promote your VBS and relay important information in a fun and engaging way.

Promo skits are short dramas that can help you promote your VBS and relay important information in a fun and engaging way. These skits involve only two people and last around three minutes each.

Where Can I Find the Promo Skits?

That’s right, they’re already written—the hard part has been done for you! In your Answers VBS online portal, go to RESOURCES—DIRECTOR—HELPS. There, you’ll find a file with six skits to help get your church excited about VBS!

Why Use the Promo Skits?

They are fun! Seriously, these skits are designed to be a little silly. Go all out, dress up for them, and don’t forget to overact. Each skit has one silly character, who usually misunderstands the situation (thinking The Great Jungle Journey is a relaxing cruise instead of VBS, for example). Throughout the skit, important information is delivered about VBS, but it’s done in a memorable, engaging way.

In one skit this year, a character searches the sanctuary while making birdcalls. Your congregation isn’t likely to forget you (or another leader) “ka-kawing” throughout the church. Because they are engaged in the skit, the information is more likely to be retained, but it also sets a tone of fun. VBS is fun, and these skits help showcase that. I’d sign up for something fun at church, wouldn’t you?

Kicking off your VBS “season” with a skit sets the tone that hosting VBS isn’t a chore—you GET to be a part of this amazing mission opportunity.

Kicking off your VBS “season” with a skit sets the tone that hosting VBS isn’t a chore—you GET to be a part of this amazing mission opportunity.

Not only are all those important VBS details delivered in a visual way, but the vision and heart behind VBS are also shown. Your church members will hear the why of VBS. Though it is extremely fun, it’s not just a week of fun. The purpose of VBS, both this year’s theme and VBS in general, is shown as another way to create buy-in with church members.

Not that you need more reasons to use the promo skits, but they also provide great footage for social media if your church promotes online. Pull some video feed (or have someone record with their phone) and create reels out of the skit performances. Repost the whole video on your church’s social channels or websites. Snap pictures and post them with important details included. Trust me, it’ll catch people’s eyes online, especially if the actors are in costume.

What If I Can’t Act?

This isn’t Shakespeare. You don’t have to be a great actor to do these skits. They are super short. And if you need help with memorizing lines, one of the characters often has a clipboard in hand. Any prop like that can be used to hide your script on as a cheat sheet. When I was a teen, one of the actors at my church would hide his lines on people’s backs!

You don’t need hours of practice. You don’t need an elaborate set. A few props, a VBS outfit, and a little silliness are all you need to pull these skits off. And in return, your church remembers the VBS details and gets excited.

So what are you waiting for? ACTION!

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