You can’t forget “koala-ty” treats when you plan your VBS program. But Answers VBS snacks aren’t just fun, yummy snacks to provide some refreshment for kids, they also have a teaching tie-in to help kids remember the daily Bible lesson.
For example, the first snack for the week is “Outback Hats” with lemon squash (what Aussies call lemonade). Here’s the teaching tie-in for this snack:
We’re visiting the outback today as we talk about how human life began. Aboriginal people have lived in the outback for a long time—since the people spread out from the tower of Babel. But they aren’t the very first people who ever lived on earth. How do you think the very first people came to be? Take responses. The Bible is where we turn for answers like this. God’s Word is always true (John 17:17) and always perfect.
Let’s thank God for the Bible, and then we’ll eat our Outback Hats.
It’s a great way to reinforce the lesson once again. And, with our snacks, there are lots of options and ideas to give you flexibility in planning, such as:
We’re so excited for Zoomerang this summer as churches across the US take children on an adventure Down Under to discover the sanctity and value of every single life and the gospel message. Discover more about what makes Answers VBS different by visiting
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