A big part of our Answers VBS program is our relationship with Children’s Hunger Fund (CHF). We wanted our VBS to have a practical side to encourage children to develop compassion and selflessness and to have open eyes for the needs of our family members around the world, including their need for the gospel. CHF has a gospel-oriented mercy mission. They meet the practical needs of others, opening up doors and developing relationships to share the gospel.
We encourage you to get involved with CHF more than just with our VBS. In this short video, several ministry leaders discuss how their partnership with CHF enables them to be the hands and feet of Christ, right here in America.
CHF also serves globally. Here’s one story they shared recently about how their Food Paks opened doors for hope and the gospel:
A church worker named Ela visited with Rosa, a mother with two young children. Visits with Rosa began with the delivery of Food Paks to help feed her family. Rosa never asked for any specific prayers but was happy to receive the much-needed food.
One Food Pak delivery was different for Rosa. She opened up and shared her life story with Ela, revealing that her husband was in prison. She was ashamed to talk about her husband and their needs, but her situation grew more and more desperate. She reached out to the one person she knew would pray with her, Ela. She prayed for Rosa and her husband that day.
The following week, Ela visited again, and Rosa couldn't wait to tell her what had happened. Her husband had been released early from prison. Rosa was confident in her heart that God had answered her prayers. Rosa, her children, and her husband began attending church and are steadily growing in the Lord. The course of this family has been changed forever!
It is not only a family in need who is thankful for the many ways that God provides for their well-being, but it is also church volunteers like Ela who are blessed with the opportunity to see God at work in every Food Pak delivery. It is a gift to deliver hope in the Gospel along with desperately needed food!
CHF Food Paks are delivered to faithful church partners who then distribute the food with a message of hope in Jesus. A Food Pak provides food to meet the immediate needs of a family struggling to survive, and also hope in the Gospel of Jesus Christ that frees us and secures our future.
You can learn more about Children’s Hunger Fund at ChildrensHungerFund.org.
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