IncrediWorld Treasure Hunt (Day 1)

by Stacia McKeever April 20, 2012

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Looking for a way to keep your kids occupied before your VBS begins? Give them a copy of this treasure hunt and let them loose!

Top Thrill Treasure Hunt

Day One

Hey there, park-goers! The fun starts here with our top thrill treasure hunt! Get the inside track as you check out the directions for today’s hunt.

Today's hunt is all about what God created on each of those first six days of Creation Week. You may look inside or outside the church. Stay away from the pond and the parking lot.

You may work alone or in a group. If you are working alone, find the same number of items as your age. For instance, if you are five years old, find five items on the list. If you are ten, find ten items. If you are working in a group, find at least 12 items.

You have until 6:15 pm to complete your hunt and bring your items and list to the prize table. One prize per person. No prizes will be given after 6:15 pm, so get ready, get set, begin!

1. On Day One, God created the heavens and the earth. Find something that begins with the letter H as in “heaven.”

2. On Day One, God created light. Find a DARK ROOM. Go in and turn on the lights.

3. On Day Two, God created the sky and divided the water so it was above the sky and beneath the sky. Find a WATER BOTTLE.

4. On Day Three, God created the dry land. Find some DIRT and put it in a baggy or cup.

5. On Day Three, God created fruit trees and all other plants. Find a SEED FROM A PIECE OF FRUIT.

6. On Day Three, God created the grass. Find FIVE PIECES OF GRASS.

7. On Day Four, God created the sun. Find something YELLOW.

8. On Day Four, God created the moon. Find something ROUND like the moon.

9. On Day Four, God created the stars. Find something in the shape of a STAR.

10. On Day Five, God created the fish and other sea creatures. Find TWO PEOPLE WHO LIKE TO FISH and have them sign on the lines below.

___________________ ___________________

11. On Day Five, God created the birds and other flying creatures. Find a BIRD FEATHER.

12. On Day Six, God created the land animals. Find SIX PEOPLE TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING ANIMAL SOUNDS and have them sign on the lines below.

Moo _____________________________________

Baa _____________________________________

Neigh _____________________________________

Hee-haw _____________________________________

Oink, oink _____________________________________

Ribbit _____________________________________

13. On Day Six, God created bugs. Find a DEAD BUG.

14. On Day Six, God created the first people--a man named Adam and a woman named Eve. Find someone whose name starts with an A like Adam and someone whose name starts with an E like Eve. Have them sign on the lines below.

A name _____________________________________

E name _____________________________________

15. On Day Seven, God rested. Bring your sack back to the prize area and SIT DOWN to show you are done.

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