Gold Rush Treasure Hunt: Day 2

by Stacia McKeever February 11, 2011

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Looking for a way to keep your kids occupied before your VBS begins? Give them a copy of this treasure hunt and let them loose!

Christmas Treasure Hunt Day Two

Merry Christmas, everyone! We’re celebrating Christmas in June today as we learn about the one-of-a-kind birth of Jesus, so our treasure hunt involves items that are either red or green.

You may look inside or outside, but stay away from the pond and the parking lot. You may work alone or in a group. If you are working alone, complete the number of items that corresponds with your age (find six if you are six, eight if you are eight, etc.) If you are working as a group, find at least twelve. You have until 6:15 PM to complete the hunt and bring your items and list back to the prize table. One prize per team member. No prizes will be given after 6:15 PM, so round up your posse and begin!

  1. Red lipstick
  2. Green piece of lettuce
  3. Red sock
  4. Green dollar bill
  5. Red pen
  6. Green blade of grass
  7. Red bandanna
  8. Green pickle
  9. Red flower bud
  10. Green leaf
  11. Red marker
  12. Green pair of kid’s scissors
  13. Red hair
  14. Green mint
  15. Red coupon

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