Looking for a way to keep your kids occupied before your VBS begins? Give them a copy of this treasure hunt and let them loose!
Westward Ho! Treasure Hunt Day 1
Callin’ all stampeders! Don yer boots and get ready to set out on today’s treasure hunt. All items on today’s hunt have to do with items miners used or items they would find at their mining sites. You may look inside or outside the church. Stay away from the pond and the parking lot. You may work alone or in a group. If you are working alone, find the same number of items as your age. For instance, if you are five years old, find five items on the list. If you are ten, find ten items. If you are working in a group, find at least 12 items. You have until 6:15 pm to complete your hunt and bring your items and list to the prize table. One prize per team member. No prizes will be given after 6:15 pm, so get ready, get set, begin!
1. Gold nugget 2. Candle 3. Bedroll 4. Baked bean 5. Journal 6. Six people wearing blue jeans. Have them sign below.
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7. Bucket 8. Cowboy hat 9. Pair of boots 10. Two people drinking coffee. Have them sign below.
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11. Rope 12. Backpack 13. Picture of a mule 14. Something silver 15. Something gold
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