In the Beginning: Why the War on Children?

by Ken Ham on April 1, 2024
Featured in Answers Magazine

In many ways, we can certainly say there is a war on children in Western nations. According to estimates from the World Health Organization, up to 200,000 children are murdered every day through abortion.

Generations of children, including the majority from the church, have been indoctrinated in an atheistic evolutionary worldview. This indoctrination has greatly contributed to a generational loss from the church, with less than 9% of Generation Z being engaged Christians.1

Ken Ham

Illustration by Viktor Miller-Gausa

Ken Ham
Founder CEO, Answers in Genesis

Drag queen programs conducted in many libraries and schools attempt to sexualize children.

Most video streaming platforms, including Disney+, are attempting to normalize the LGBTQ+ worldview among children and adults through various programs for all ages.

But why such a war against children?

This is really a war on the family. The family unit is the backbone of the nation, the unit God uses to transfer the spiritual legacy from one generation to the next. The family is the first and most fundamental of all human institutions ordained by God in Scripture. One of the primary reasons for marriage is to produce godly offspring (Malachi 2:15). That’s why Scripture puts such an emphasis on telling parents to train their children in the ways of the Lord.

The devil knows that if the family is destroyed, then the educational unit for transferring a godly legacy to coming generations is destroyed, along with the family’s impact for the Lord Jesus Christ in the world!

A good lesson comes from the account of the 12 stones in Joshua 4. After the miracle of the crossing of the Jordan River, God told Joshua to have a memorial of 12 stones built for two specific reasons: to remind the coming generations of the true God and to impact the world so other people would know about the true God.

When your children ask their fathers in times to come, “What do these stones mean?” then you shall let your children know, “Israel passed over this Jordan on dry ground.” For the Lord your God dried up the waters of the Jordan for you until you passed over, as the Lord your God did to the Red Sea, which he dried up for us until we passed over, so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the Lord is mighty, that you may fear the Lord your God forever. (Joshua 4:21–24)

The war on children prompted us to produce a high quality children’s magazine called Kids Answers, which comes with each issue of Answers magazine and is also now available as a separate subscription. We want to reach as many children as possible with the truth of God’s Word and equip them with answers to the secular attacks used in this war.

Want to pass on the knowledge of the one true God to the next generation? Subscribe to Kids Answers today.

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  1. Barna Group and Impact 360 Institute, Gen Z: The Culture, Beliefs and Motivations Shaping the Next Generation (Ventura, CA: Barna Group, 2018), 26.


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