Preschool Surprise

by Dale Mason on October 9, 2019
Featured in Answers Magazine
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How old should your children be when you begin instilling in them a faith-affirming Christian worldview? At what age will kids be exposed to brazenly anti-Christian ideas? Well, younger than you might think.

Early one sunshiny morning this past September, a young mother—a sincere believer—sent a few of her social media friends a video showing several seconds of her son smiling from ear to ear. The nearly three-year-old was ecstatic to be heading to his first day of small-town preschool. In a few minutes he would be led up the steps of a local church where he and about a dozen other tikes would get two hours of extremely simple school—perhaps learning a number or a color.

Later that same day, the mom contacted those same social media friends. This time, however, she was heartbroken as her mama-bear concern came through.

Upon arriving to pick up her still-excited youngster, she learned that one of the other preschoolers had been placed on the journey of gender transformation, from birth gender to the parents’ preferred gender. And, of course, the other kids in the class (and their parents) would need to be trained to accept and encourage the transgender worldview.

The young mother was shaken, concerned, and saddened that adults are making such decisions for helpless children. Convicted that this should be the first and last time her son would attend the preschool, she was also fearful and prayerful about how to remove him. What would the preschool administrator say? How would the parents of the transgender toddler respond? How should she and her other Christian mother friends move forward?

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In the days that followed, she spent much time praying and consulting with her husband and a small group of others. Though totally unexpected, the situation grabbed her attention and has led to excellent talks and lots of thought about how she and her husband can more intentionally train their children.

When I learned of this young family’s startling experience, I was reminded of an article in this issue of Answers. Don’t miss Dr. Kristin Bird’s “Is a Biblical Worldview Optional?”

Spoiler: It’s not. Not even if your child is only three years old.

I encourage you to read every page of Answers magazine to build and sharpen a creation-based Christian worldview. Your children are counting on it.

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