What Science is not

on September 17, 2001
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Notice the professor's sneaky tactic of putting Creationism in the big middle of some outrageous stuff - Fortune Telling and Reincarnation for example.


I'm taking a college Biology course this semester (gag), and I thought I would just email you an interesting little tidbit found in the course handouts. In the handout is a list of "What Science is Not!" It says science is not:

The Truth, Faith, Dogma, Superstition, Healing Crystals, Reincarnation, Therapeutic Touch, Art, Religion, Creationism, ESP, Fortune Telling, Telekinesis, Magic, Philosophy, Astrology, Psychic, Holistic, Telepathy

Notice the professor's sneaky tactic of putting Creationism in the middle of some outrageous stuff - Fortune Telling and Reincarnation for example. *Sigh* I can see it is going to be a long semester…


Editor's note: Since we can assume this professor believes that the definition of science includes 'evolution' (it is conspicuously absent from the list), at least he agrees with us that it isn't the Truth!


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