Prayer for the “Lost”

on July 7, 2000
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“I read with sadness the article, ‘Slippery Slide to Unbelief,’ which highlighted the former evangelist, Charles Templeton's rejection of the Christian faith.”

Dear Friends,

I read with sadness the article, "The Slippery Slide to Unbelief," which highlighted the former evangelist, Charles Templeton’s rejection of the Christian faith.

In the articile you quoted Templeton’s choice of rejection in his statement, “[the] entire resurrection story is not credible.” As a result of his rejection the unfortunate results are a hope that has died and an absence of peace and joy enacted by power of the Holy Spirit upon his life (See I Peter 1:3, 4, and Romans 15:13).

Let us all pray that his heart may be broken by the love of the saints and that we would rejoice over one sheep that has returned on the shoulders of our Great Shepherd and Bishop of our souls.

Cathy Holsey

Editor's note: We at AiG are many times also saddened by responses we receive at seminars and via e-mail. We are challenged by the words of Christ and are committed to pray for our enemies that their hearts would be opened to a saving knowledge of our loving Creator.

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. (Matthew 5:44)


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