‘It’s out there’

on March 31, 2003
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“As acting executive administrator of CSI, a Creation ministry in South FL, I read with interest the article on bird evolution.”

As acting executive administrator of CSI, a Creation ministry in South FL, I read with interest the article on bird evolution. Here is an amazing thing-the "recapitulation" of the old and discredited "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" evolutionary argument. Under a new banner to be sure, but the same argument, now called "evo-devo" for short. Evolutionists are reaching, really reaching, to revert to cleverly disguised versions of outdated arguments in defense of their theories. One more amazing thing, if you will. In 1995 I was an adjunct professor at Appalachian Bible College in WV and met Ken Ham. At the time I was still in the "theistic evolutionist" camp and asked him if he could explain the geologic column as found between the Grand Canyon, the Kaiabob Plateau and Brice National Monument. His reply is classic AIG-"No I can't" Ken said, "But I have a question for you, Tony. Why do you insist on filtering your understanding of the Bible through your NSF training. Why not just accept the Genesis account as fact, then go look for proof of it. If you look, you'll find it. It's out there." Well, Amen! Yes it is and AIG is a major source of that information. Thanks! To Ken and the whole AIG team.

Dr Anthony J Husemann


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