We’re living at a time of great tumult where we are not immune from issues facing companies and organizations across the nation.
What do so many beautiful geological formations around the world have in common?
The plain meaning of Genesis, how the "days" in Genesis 1 have been understood in church history & answering common objections to the historical reading of Genesis
Over the years, I’ve had many Christians use much of the argument that we need to trust the majority when it comes to evolution and millions of years.
The earth is scarred with evidence of the worldwide flood in Genesis.
Despite some similarities, Earth and the planet next door have very different purposes.
There’s been an explosion in the intensity of the conversation regarding the creation/evolution debate in the last few years—but not where one might expect.
For more than 100 years oil has been the “black gold” that has fueled transport vehicles and powered global economic growth and prosperity. So how does oil form, and what is its origin?
We marvel at birds in flight. But one kind of bird stands apart in its acrobatic talents, with a complex flight system unlike any other.
How Charles Darwin’s views about the inferiority of women have negatively affected scientific research, female researchers, and society for generations
A biblical overview for why our week is only seven days, how the secular world explains it, and the benefits we enjoy from God’s ordained work-rest weekly pattern
Paul’s admonition to the Ephesians still applies. Christ wants us to take every opportunity to boldly confront our pagan culture so lost people can be redeemed.
Ignorance of the Bible isn’t just a problem in our culture. It’s a problem in the church, and it’s scandalous.
How Answers in Genesis aims to remain biblically faithful for generations to come through several review boards and an updated Statement of Faith.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.