The State of the Nation

The Collapse of Christian America, a Nation Spiritually and Financially Bankrupt – Live Video Webcast from the Creation Museum

on June 9, 2009

Editor’s note: This article was adapted from a news release that was recently distributed to the media.

New research shows that our nation may be going spiritually bankrupt, as well as financially. Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis, will present research on the current spiritual state of the nation in the first-ever live video webcast from the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Ky., on June 25 at 8 p.m. EDT. Following the webcast address, Ken will be joined for a live chat session with Britt Beemer, his coauthor for the book, Already Gone, and founder of America’s Research Group. The book depicts a bleak picture of the faith of young adults in America and begs the question, “Are we still a Christian nation?”

“The future of our nation is what’s at stake here,” Ham said. “This is the next generation of leaders and they have fallen away from the church and their Christian background. I want to talk about why Christianity isn’t relevant in today’s culture, and how we can reclaim the next generation.”

Ham will speak to the collapse of Christianity in the Western world and answer the question, “What has happened to the next generation?” According to his book the church is not breaking into today’s culture as it has in the past. Ham will recount the secularization of American culture and explain why we are losing the next generation . . . or if we already have.

According to Already Gone, despite the abundance of Christian resources from music to movies, and more Bible colleges then ever in U.S. history, young Americans are abandoning the Christian culture in which they were raised. The book utilizes a phone survey of 1,000 young adults across the nation from the ages of 20 to 29 who used to attend church, only to give it up once they became independent.

“We call ourselves a Christian nation, but our culture is a secular one,” said Beemer. “We need to call attention to the spiritual state of the country because it is too important to be ignored or left alone.”

The Creation Museum is hosting the live video webcast in its spacious main hall, with its stunning animatronic dinosaurs and high-tech planetarium serving as backdrops. An invitation-only crowd of about 150 museum supporters and other VIPs is expected. Following the presentation, Ham and Beemer will participate in a live chat, answering questions from those tuning in online. Participants can join this free event online at on June 25 at 8 p.m. EDT. The Creation Museum, located near the Cincinnati Airport, is a ministry of Answers in Genesis, a nonprofit Christian organization dedicated to confirming the validity of the Bible from the very first verse. Since its grand opening on May 28, 2007, the museum has seen more than 725,000 visitors, way above anticipated crowds.


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