Editor’s note: This article was adapted from a news release that was recently distributed to the media.
Dr. Gabriela Karine Rocha de Carvalho Haynes
A former evolutionist has joined the science faculty of Answers in Genesis and its Creation Museum. Dr. Gabriela Karine Rocha de Carvalho Haynes recently earned a PhD in Paleontology (the study of fossils) and Geology. The degree was granted by the Federal University of Ceará State in Brazil in conjunction with the University of Kentucky.
Dr. Haynes used to accept the evolutionary worldview until she studied evidence that supported creation and challenged evolution. Her PhD focus was on invertebrate fossils from the Santana Formation in Brazil, a fossil group that includes wasps, ants, and bees. So far, Dr. Haynes has identified and described ten new species in her research.
Before earning her PhD, Dr. Haynes worked with several research teams that focused on geology, paleontology, geopark, sustainable environment, geotourism, and geoeducation research. She also partnered with UNESCO and federal and Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) authorities, representing Brazil in European conferences.
“We are thrilled that so many talented people of our younger generations are pursuing careers in science to help confirm what the Book of Genesis teaches,” stated Ken Ham, CEO of AiG and the museum. He continued: “Dr. Haynes’ desire to combine her knowledge of invertebrate fossils with a passion for declaring the truths of Genesis is very encouraging.”
Other recent AiG hires who hold doctorate degrees include:
At the Creation Museum and AiG, Dr. Haynes will be a researcher, writer, and speaker. She hails from the state of Ceará in Brazil and speaks fluent Portuguese and English.
With her dual degree in paleontology and geology, Dr. Haynes will be a great complement to our talented research staff.
“As a former volunteer at the museum, Dr. Haynes now joins us as a full-time paid staff scientist,” stated Dr. Andrew Snelling, a geologist and AiG’s Director of Research. He added: “With her dual degree in paleontology and geology, she will be a great complement to our talented research staff. Dr. Haynes will also contribute to our on-line peer-reviewed journal, the Answers Research Journal.”
In addition to the three new faculty, AiG’s other full-time staff with earned doctorates are (with their areas of specialty):
In addition, hundreds of scientists, engineers, and educators, including many in England, have been working alongside AiG as associate speakers and writers, including contributing articles to the Answers Research Journal.
Answers in Genesis, celebrating 25 years of outreach this year, is an apologetics (i.e., Bible-defending) ministry based in northern Kentucky, near Cincinnati. The Creation Museum, located west of the Cincinnati Airport, has welcomed over 4 million visitors since opening in 2007. AiG’s Ark Encounter is a one-of-a-kind historically themed attraction with a massive Noah’s Ark as the centerpiece and draws over one million guests a year.
More information about AiG and its growing faculty, research activities, and attractions can be found at AnswersInGenesis.org.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.