Ocean Commotion VBS

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Welcome to Ocean Commotion! Every day, our kids are challenged to stand for God in their schools, among their friends, in our culture . . . no matter what. And they’re bombarded with the lie that God’s Word isn’t true when it talks about earthly things (rocks, fossils), so it can’t be trusted to tell the truth about spiritual things.

Noah experienced the same challenges during the time of the great Flood thousands of years ago. Yet, by God’s grace, he was able to Stand for God, Obey God, Trust God, Thank God, and Fear God . . . no matter what. The biggest watery catastrophe the world has ever known happened during his lifetime. But through it all, Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

At this monumental Vacation Bible School program, your kids will dive deep into the account of Noah and the Flood from the book of Genesis! They’ll learn to apply the spiritual lessons from Noah’s life to their own. And, along the way, they’ll uncover earthly lessons from the Flood: how all the animals fit on the Ark, how the Flood covered the whole Earth, and how we can still see the effects of this Flood today. They’ll also learn that the flood legends from around the world are based on the true account in Genesis!

Prepare for a boatload of excitement at Ocean Commotion VBS!

Day 1: Stand for God!

Hydro the Whale reminds us there's a WHALE of a problem!
Hydro the Whale

Bible Passages

Genesis 1–3; Genesis 6:5–9

Lesson Focus

Just like Noah, we can rely on God to help us stand for Him.

Lifeline Verse

Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13

Apologetics Focus

Before the Flood: Wow! Were people really that smart back then?

Sunsational Science and Crafts

Experiment: Rain Cloud in a Bottle
Main Craft: Lone Lighthouse

Splish! Splash! Games

Whale of a Problem; Octo-Ball

Seaside Snacks

Pail of Whales; "Fish" Chips and Dip

Cool Contests

Goldfish Guess

Day 2: Obey God!

Hammer the Shark reminds us to NAIL obedience!
Hammerhead Shark Hammer

Bible Passages

Genesis 6:9–22

Lesson Focus

Just like Noah, we can rely on God to help us obey Him, no matter what.

Lifeline Verse

If you love Me, keep My commandments. John 14:15

Apologetics Focus

Preparing for the Flood: Hmm. It's a big boat, but still, how did everything fit?

Sunsational Science and Crafts

Experiment: Sink or Float
Main Craft: Awesome Ark or Awesome Ark Hat

Splish! Splash! Games

Two-of-a-Kind Relays; Match Mates

Seaside Snacks

Fan-"sea" Floats; Bite-a-Boats

Cool Contests

Club Cheers

Day 3: Trust God!

Piers the Puffin reminds us to trust the Lord and GET ON BOARD!
Puffin Piers

Bible Passages

Genesis 7

Lesson Focus

Just like Noah, we can rely on God to help us trust Him with our lives. (Gospel day!)

Lifeline Verse

But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord; I say, "You are my God." Psalm 31:14

Apologetics Focus

The Flood: Yikes! Was water really everywhere?

Sunsational Science and Crafts

Experiment: Mini Volcanoes
Craft: Seashell Cross

Splish! Splash! Games

Water World; Animal Antics

Seaside Snacks

Lifesaver Rings (Versions 1, 2, or 3)

Cool Contests

Animal Dress Up Day

Day 4: Thank God!

Paws the Sea Otter reminds us we "otter" THANK God!
Sea Otter Paws

Bible Passages

Genesis 8

Lesson Focus

Just like Noah, we can rely on God to help us thank Him in everything.

Lifeline Verse

In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Apologetics Focus

End of the Flood: Whoa! What happened to this planet?

Sunsational Science and Crafts

Experiment: Fossil Finds
Craft: Ocean of Thanks Box

Splish! Splash! Games

Team Raven/Team Dove; Fossil Fun

Seaside Snacks

Cornucopia of Thanks (Versions 1 or 2)

Cool Contests

Scripture Look Up: Thankful Verses

Day 5: Fear God!

Fin the Dolphin reminds us "NO-FIN" is a bigger deal than taking God seriously!
Dolphin Fin

Bible Passages

Genesis 9:1–17

Lesson Focus

Just like Noah, we can rely on God to help us take Him seriously.

Lifeline Verse

Blessed is the man who fears the Lord. Psalm 112:1

Apologetics Focus

After the Flood: Hey! Why do different cultures have similar Flood stories?

Sunsational Science and Crafts

Experiment: Rainbow Fun
Craft: Rainbow Wind Catcher or Bird Feeder

Splish! Splash! Games

Obsta-Cool Water Course; Rainbow Soccer

Seaside Snacks

Promise Pops; Rainbow Fruit Cups

Cool Contests

Mission Money

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