Mystery Island VBS 2021 Curriculum

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Join the fun in the sun with this unique Vacation Bible School program.

Is there just one God? . . . Who is God? . . . What is God like? . . . Does God love me? . . . Can I know God?

Our kids grapple with questions like these every day. At Mystery Island, we’ll uncover the truth about our Creator God! There’s a sea of confusion about who God is and what he’s like, so we’ll track down the one true God and learn how amazing he is through the pages of Scripture.

Mystery Island VBS is packed with teaching that connects the Bible to the real world and gives kids a better understanding of our awe-inspiring Creator and the salvation he offers through Jesus Christ.

Each day, kids will learn more about one of God’s amazing attributes (great, almighty, ruler, Emmanuel, trustworthy) and how that applies to their lives.

Grab your sunscreen and get ready for a taste of paradise as you track down the one true God at Mystery Island!

From the minute your islanders arrive at Mystery Island, they’ll find clues ready to uncover!

The day begins at the Islander Assembly, a supercharged opening complete with entertaining welcomes, rockin’ songs, a mission moment, and prayer. Then we're off to four fun rotation sites:

light house

Lighthouse Lessons

During the teaching time, islanders will track down truths about the one true God and discover he’s a priceless treasure.


Tropical Treats

The snack spot! Islanders will enjoy island eatables at this yummy spot.


Ride the Tide Games

The recreation location! At this spot, islanders attempt fun surf and sand challenges!


Deep Sea Science and Crafts

Electrifying science experiments to explore, creative crafts to invent, high-energy songs to sing, fun memory verse games to play.

After finishing the day’s rotations, everyone heads back to the Islander Assembly for the closing that includes more singing, a Creature Feature, contest results, and the hugely anticipated daily drama.

Day 1: God is GREAT!

Day 1

Bible Passages

Paul in a City of Idols
Acts 17:16–34

Lighthouse Lesson Focus

God is GREAT!
He is the one and only God who is the awe-inspiring Creator.

Treasured Verses

Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable.
Psalm 145:3

Apologetics Focus

There’s only one God as revealed in the Bible. You can’t make up a god of your own choosing.

Deep Sea Science and Crafts

Experiments: Rainbow Water & Mystery Color!
Crafts: Tropical Tree & Crafty Chameleon

Tropical Treats

One and Only Bread & Seascape Snacks

Ride the Tide Games

Island Ambush
Island Olympics

Cool Contests

Lifesaver Gummies Guessing Game

Animal Pal

Camo the Chameleon

Day 2: God is ALMIGHTY!

Day 2

Bible Passages

Book of Jonah
Psalm 139

Lighthouse Lesson Focus

God is ALMIGHTY! He is all knowing, all powerful, and all present.

Treasured Verses

Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?
Jeremiah 32:27

Apologetics Focus

God can do all his holy will without effort. God’s miracles are real and effortless.

Deep Sea Science and Crafts

Experiments: Can Crushing & Diving Octopus
Crafts: Shell Necklace & Great White Game

Tropical Treats

Pail of Whales & Omni Os

Ride the Tide Games

Tropical Obstacle
Fish Out of Water

Cool Contests

Team Cheers

Animal Pal

Flip the flapjack octopus

Day 3: God is RULER!

Day 3

Bible Passages

Isaiah’s Vision
Isaiah 6:1–3
Psalm 8

Lighthouse Lesson Focus

God is RULER! He is the majestic king who is holy and perfect.

Treasured Verses

And one called to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!”
Isaiah 6:3

Apologetics Focus

God is the same in the Old Testament as he is in the New Testament. He was and is and always will be in charge.

Deep Sea Science and Crafts

Experiments: Diaper Duty & Sink or Float
Crafts: Wind Chime & Great White Game

Tropical Treats

Moon and Star Sammies & Shark Teeth

Ride the Tide Games

Glory Corners
Great Barrier "Reef"-lays

Cool Contests

Dress-Up Day

Animal Pals

Clark, the great white shark

Day 4: God is EMMANUEL!

Day 4

Bible Passages

God Came to Earth
(Gospel Presentation)
Select Scriptures

Lighthouse Lesson Focus

God is EMMANUEL! He is the loving, good Savior who came to earth.

Treasured Verses

But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8

Apologetics Focus

God is three-in-one— Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Even though there is mystery to this, God is also knowable.

Deep Sea Science and Crafts

Experiments: Lava Lamps & Electric Eels
Crafts: Mini Diorama & Jellyfish Jiggler

Tropical Treats

Heart Melts & Jolly Jellyfish

Ride the Tide Games

Triple Play
Take Heart

Cool Contests

God of Wonder Challenge

Animal Pals

Jam the immortal jellyfish

Day 5: God is TRUSTWORTHY!

Day 5

Bible Passages

David Trusts God
1 Samuel 17

Lighthouse Lesson Focus

He is our rock. We should praise, thank, worship, adore, and live for him.

Treasured Verses

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5–6

Apologetics Focus

God is bigger and greater than our unanswered questions. We can trust him.

Deep Sea Science and Crafts

Experiments: Super Slingshots & Jewel Treasures
Crafts: God’s Attributes Rock & Feathered Friend

Tropical Treats

Hidden Treasure Treats & Treasure Maps

Ride the Tide Games

Buccaneer Barriers
Sinking Ship

Cool Contests

Mission Money Mania

Animal Pal

Trusty the macaw

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