The Incredible Race VBS Curriculum

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The Incredible Race VBS

Get ready for a race filled with fun clues to find, challenges to attempt, and a global scavenger hunt like you’ve never seen! At the same time, kids will learn about another race that started in the Garden of Eden. What race is that? The human race.

As we move around the world during The Incredible Race, we’ll make pit stops before, during, and after the Tower of Babel, showing kids how this event from the Bible matters today!

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Get ready to run The Incredible Race! One Family, One Race, One Savior!

Ready, Set, Go!

It's a Vacation Bible School like no other!

Kids will race from continent to continent uncovering clues and attempting challenges as they fill their score cards.

They'll also discover that, no matter where we live, what shade of skin we have, or what language we speak, we are all part of the same race—the human race—and all part of the same family from Adam and Eve through age-appropriate curriculum.

As they examine the events surrounding the tower of Babel, kids will learn that God is calling people from every tribe and nation through his Son, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. And that he wants us to share this good news in kindness and love with our neighbors nearby and far away.

Join our vacation bible school, The Incredible Race, and experience God's love for every tribe, language, and nation!

From the minute your kids arrive at The Incredible Race, they’ll find fun waiting to happen!

The day begins at the Checkpoint Assembly, a supercharged opening complete with entertaining welcomes, catchy songs, a mission moment, and prayer. Then we’re off to four fun rotation sites:


Refueling Station

Here, as the kids receive clues and accept challenges, they’ll discover the tower of Babel account isn’t just ancient history, but incredibly important to how we live today.


Runway Cafe

The snack spot! Kids will enjoy global goodies at this yummy spot while completing food-related challenges.


Globe-trotting Games

The recreation location! At this spot, kids attempt fun physical challenges of international proportions, with games from all over the world!


World-Class Science and Crafts

Electrifying science experiments to perform, creative crafts to invent, high energy songs to sing, and fun memory verse games to play!

After finishing the day’s rotations, everyone heads back to the Checkpoint Assembly for the closing that includes more singing, a Creature Feature, contest results, and the greatly anticipated daily drama which is the highlight of the kids’ day.

So grab your gear and get ready for the race of a lifetime as we embark on The Incredible Race. On your mark, get set, go!

Day 1: Ready, Set, Go: Before Babel

Day 1

Bible Passages

Racing Through Genesis
Genesis 1–11

Refueling Station Lesson Focus

As the race starts, we explore the beginning of the human race and why nobody has run a perfect race through life.

Mile Marker Memory Verse

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)

Apologetics Focus

The cycle of sin
How the world got divided into continents.

World-Class Science and Crafts

Experiment: Light It Up! & Let It Rain
Crafts: Table Top Futbol & Tie the Snake

Runway Cafe

Circles and Salsa, Brazilian Brigadeiros

Cool Contests

Guessing Game

Globe-trotting Games

South American Games

Animal Pal

Bo the Anaconda (South America)

Day 1

Bo the Anaconda

Day 1

Experiment: Light It Up!

Day 2: Hitting a Roadblock: At Babel

Day 2

Bible Passages

Tower of Babel
Genesis 11:1–9

Refueling Station Lesson Focus

On this leg of the race. we stop at the Tower of Babel and check out the important and loving roadblock God provided there.

Mile Marker Memory Verses

Its name was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth. And from there the Lord dispersed them over the the face of all the earth. (Genesis 11:9)

Apologetics Focus


World-Class Science and Crafts

Experiment: Flying High, Full of Hot Air
Crafts: Mini Globe and Let's Face It

Runway Cafe

Tower Treats, Pita Chips and Dip

Cool Contests

Team Cheers

Globe-trotting Games

Asian Games

Animal Pal

Jamal the Camel (Asia)

Day 2

Jamal the Camel

Day 2

Experiment: Flying High

Day 3: One Race, Many Nations: After Babel

Bible Passages

The Table of Nations
Genesis 10
Psalm 139
Acts 17:26

Refueling Station Lesson Focus

On leg three, we see how the human race develops into people groups with different languages, cultures, and physical features, but how we are still all one race.

Mile Marker Memory Verse

And he made from one man every nation. (Acts 17:26)

Apologetics Focus

One blood, one race
I’ve got DNA—why I look like I do

World-Class Science and Crafts

Experiment: DNA & Spot the Color
Crafts: Mud Hut Mission Bank & Pipe Cleaner People

Runway Cafe

Shades of Cake, Chapatis

Cool Contests

Dress-Up Day

Globe-trotting Games

African Games

Animal Pals

The Pup Patrol (Africa)

Day 3

The Pup Patrol

Day 3

Experiment: Spot the Color

Day 4: One Way—Jesus: Babel and the Gospel

Day 4

Bible Passages

The Gospel and a Glimpse of Heaven
Revelation 7:9–10

Refueling Station Lesson Focus

On our fourth leg, we discover the need to yield our lives to God as he reaches out to all nations, tribes, and peoples with his love through Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.

Mile Marker Memory Verse

The Father has sent his son to be the Savior of the World. (1 John 4:14)

Apologetics Focus

God provides just one way to be saved.

World-Class Science and Crafts

Experiments: Polishing Pennies & Rainbow Float
Crafts: Mosaic Cross & Backpack Zipper Pull

Runway Cafe

Leaning Towers of Chees-a, English Scones

Cool Contests

Bible Verse Challenge

Globe-trotting Games

European Games

Animal Pals

Agape and Phileo the Polish Swans (Europe)

Day 4

Agape and Phileo the Polish Swans

Day 4

Experiment: Polishing Pennies

Day 5: Green Light—GO: Why Babel Matters Today

Bible Passages

The Good Samaritan
Luke 10:25–37

Refueling Station Lesson Focus

On this final leg, we learn that because God loves all people groups, we ought to treat others with love and respect, not prejudice and judgment.

Mile Marker Memory Verse

If God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. (1 John 4:11)

Apologetics Focus

God provides just one way to be saved: Jesus Christ.

World-Class Science and Crafts

Experiment: Go! & All Bandaged Up
Crafts: Kindness Cards & Travelers Tic-Tac-Toe

Runway Cafe

Global Cheese Balls, Big Apple Mini Pies

Cool Contests

Mission Money Mania

Globe-trotting Games

North American Games

Animal Pal

Racer the Roadrunner (North America)

Day 5

Racer the Roadrunner

Day 5

Experiment: All Bandaged Up

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