Answers VBS Copyright Policy

Learn which Answers VBS materials you can legally reproduce—and what the limitations are for those copies.

Student Guides

These items are designed so that each child receives his own colorful copy; they are not able to be reproduced. In some circumstances, we may provide permission to copy the student guides. If the following conditions are not met for the guides you wish to copy, you may request permission from AiG via email.

  • The material is currently for sale. If it is available, you may purchase the desired number of copies by ordering online or by calling 800-350-3232.
  • There are no other reproducible materials available that provide the information you need.

However, we’ve priced the student guides so that they’re actually cheaper for you to purchase than to copy yourself! One set of ten guides is just $9.99 (that’s $1 per guide or $0.10 per page—not including the cover)!

Leader Guides

You may make copies of portions of the VBS guides if:

  • You (or someone in your organization) are the original purchaser.
  • You are using the copies for a noncommercial purpose within your church or organization.
  • You follow the instructions provided in the guides.

Permission to make photocopies of or to reproduce by any other mechanical or electronic means in whole or in part any designated page, illustration, or activity in the guide is granted only to the original purchaser and is intended for noncommercial use within a church or other Christian organization.

None of the VBS materials may be reproduced for any commercial promotion, advertising, or sale of a product or service or to share with any other persons, churches, or organizations.

If you wish to obtain another copy of a particular guide, please contact our customer service representatives for ordering information at 1800-778-3390.

Music CDs

We look forward to providing quality music for our VBS programs, music with lyrics that enable children to easily grasp the concepts taught. The agreement we have with our lyricists and musicians enables AiG to distribute copies of the work they provide for our VBS program. Under copyright laws, we are unable to extend that agreement to anyone else.


AiG’s videos are protected under copyright law and are not able to be reproduced. Please contact our customer service representatives to order the additional quantities that you need.

Sheet music

You may make copies of pages in our sheet music for ease-of-use in page turning; however copying entire songs or the entire book is not permitted. Please contact our customer service department to purchase additional copies.

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