Answers Conference

Answers Conference

Simon Turpin, Prof. Andy McIntosh


Ballymena, Co. Antrim

Ballymena Free Presbyterian Church

Join us in Ballymena for a FREE day conference with Simon Turpin and Prof. Andy McIntosh giving 4 talks (2 in the afternoon; 2 in the evening) on biblical apologetics, climate change, dinosaurs and the heavens.


No registration required for this event.


Rev. Andrew Stewart
07968 809708

Event Cost


12 Toome Road
Ballymena, Co. Antrim BT42 2BP


Note: Any overlapping times indicate multiple, simultaneous sessions

Sat, Dec 07
3 p.m. welcome and introduction
3:05 p.m. Simon Turpin Scoffers: Responding to Those Who Deliberately Overlook Creation and the Flood
4 p.m. break (15mins)
4:15 p.m. Prof. Andy McIntosh Who Controls the Climate?
5:10 p.m. extended break to eat (bring your own or buy locally)
6:30 p.m. Simon Turpin Dinosaurs and the Bible
7:25 p.m. break (15 mins)
7:40 p.m. Prof. Andy McIntosh The Heavens Declare...
8:35 p.m. Q&A to finish

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