Meridian First Baptist Church

Meridian First Baptist Church

Dr. Terry Mortenson

to Oct 20

Meridian, ID

Meridian First Baptist Church


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Notebook, coffee, snacks, lunch and links to the livestreams for future use


Diego Ramos

Event Cost

Price: $27 + $10 per additional family members

In Person Cost: $27 + $10 per additional family members / Livestream Cost: $10 Included: Links to Livestreams and digital notes.


428 W Pine Ave.
Meridian, ID 83642


Note: Any overlapping times indicate multiple, simultaneous sessions

Sat, Oct 19
9 a.m. Dr. Terry Mortenson Theistic Evolution: It's Not the Real Problem
11 a.m. Dr. Terry Mortenson Millions of Years: The Idea's Unscientific Origin and Catastrophic Consequences
1:15 p.m. Dr. Terry Mortenson Noah's Flood: Washing Away Millions of Years
2:45 p.m. Dr. Terry Mortenson Ape-Men, Adam, Racism, & the Gospel
Sun, Oct 20
9:30 a.m. Dr. Terry Mortenson Creation vs Evolution: Why it Matters
11:10 a.m. Dr. Terry Mortenson Dinosaurs: Have You Been Brainwashed?
6 p.m. Dr. Terry Mortenson Creation in Six Days or Millions of Years?

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