Answers Come to Nicaragua

on January 1, 2007 ; last featured May 19, 2008
Featured in Answers Magazine
Dr. Hammond with a mother and child in Nicaragura

Photo courtesy Jeannie Hammond

Dr. Dan Hammond, a family practice physician from the U.S., treated more than just the physical needs of Nicaraguans. He and other members of the mission team treated their spiritual needs by giving them answers to some of life’s tough questions.

Thanks to a short-term missions team and the translation efforts of Answers in Genesis WorldWide, school children in San Marcos, Nicaragua, know the answer to the question “Is There Really a God?” and some Christian college students have an even firmer foundation for their faith.

Sponsored by Worldwide Evangelistic Gospel Outreach (WEGO Ministries), the group handed out free copies of translated booklets and tracts to taxi drivers, bank security guards, newsboys, park-goers, teachers, school workers, the school’s Catholic priest, and many others.

Dan and Jeannie Hammond, members of the team who purchased the materials, gave some books to the college students who had previously started doing mission work on their own after helping the WEGO team last year as translators.

“Now my prayer is that they will incorporate some of the information in the booklets into their evangelism,” Jeannie says.

Answers Magazine

January – March 2007

This issue discusses topics such as gender equality, abortion, the origin of oil, racism, mand more.

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