The Creation Museum team is excited to have Cheryl Reese interning with us until 19 July 2003.
The Creation Museum team is excited to have Cheryl Reese interning with us until 19 July 2003. She joined the team on Memorial Day after finishing her first year at the University of Georgia. Cheryl, 19, chose “scientific illustration” as her major because she enjoys both art and science and “couldn’t decide between the two—it’s the best of both worlds!”
While she’s here, Cheryl will be producing illustrations of wildlife found on and around the Creation Museum property. Her artwork (such as the bluejay below) will eventually be used on the signs found along our nature trails. We appreciate Cheryl’s work and are looking forward to working with other talented interns who want to use their abilities to glorify the Lord through this project.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.